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Today's Date: 19 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Isabel Caamano
Nici Cahusac
Lily Cain-Jones
Camilla Caldeira
Elizabeth Callaghan
Emily Callaghan
Phoebe Callaghan-Mills
Holly Callaway
Mia Callenberg
Catie Callender
Jennifer Callender
Sarah Calver
Holly Calvert
Enoki Calvert-Ansari
Amelia Cameron
Gwendoline Camfield
Annette Campbell
Ashleigh Campbell
Breagha Campbell
Catherine Campbell
Charlotte Campbell
Emma Campbell
Holly Campbell
Jane Campbell
Leonie Campbell
Odette Campbell
Poppy Campbell
Sandra Campbell
Taylor Campbell
Whitney Campbell
Yasmin Campbell
Polly Cannon
Millie Cant
Libby Cantwell
Lucy Carazzo
Jean Card (nee Pearce)
Jean Card
Lydia Cardona
Lani Cardwell
Niamh Carey
Paige Carey
Hayley Cargill
Jessica Carl
Rihanna-Moore Carnagie-Francis
Lydia Carnell
Sue Carnell
Emily Carney
Gabriel Carnwath
Louise Carpenter
Felicity Carr
Natasha Carr
Noelle Carr
Eleanor Carrington
Jean Carrington
Orla Carroll
Hannah Carter
Isabel Carter
Kate Carter
Linda Carter
Michelle Carter
Penelope Carter
Serena Carter
Marlie Carter Edwards
Sharon Carth
Sophia Cartmell
Mya Cartwright
Sienna Cartwright
Gail Caruana
Naomi Carvalho
Jessica Case (SLH)
Jessica Case (Croy)
Samantha Case
Latavia Casely-Hayford
Amelia Casey
Madeleine Casey
Paula Cash
Leah Caszo
Jackie Catlett
Estella Catley-Smith
Marcella Cato
Marisse Cato
Janice Catt
Caroline Cattini
Hazel Caulfield
Vanda Caulfield
Charlotte Cavanagh
Lizzie Cave
Jessica Cawley
Shirley Berry (nee Cawley)
Gabriella Ceccherini
Marta Cecconi
Zainab Ceesay
Esme Cerilli
Eva Cerilli
Lauren Chadwick
Sarah Chalkley
Freya Challis
Honey Chalmers
Maisie Chamberlain
Nicole Chamberlain
Emma Chambers
Josephine Champion
Elizabeth Chan
Shun-Lai Chan
Tamra Chan
Gianna Chandell
Alice Chandler
Mia Chandler
Helen Channon
Helen Channon
Elizabeth Chapman
Lara Chapman
Leigh Chapman
Lily Chapman
Lisa Chapman
Lucy Chapman
Sophie Chapman
Summer Chapman
Evie Chappell
Isobel Charlier
Angela Charman
Gwendoline Charman
Gwen Charman
Kanelle Charmant
Karen Chart
Annette Chase
Donna Chatfield
Abbie-Louise Chay
Janet Chedgey
Glenda Chell
Faith Chen
Linda Chenery
Olivia Chessell
Diane Chettle
Emily Chew
Jennifer Child
Christine Childs
Scarlett Childs
Tilly Childs
Karen Chilver
Ruvaro Chitita
Emelia Chittenden
Maureen Chitty
Olivia Cholerton
Amelia Chong
Esme Chong
Hannah Choudhury
Elise Christian
Kayons Christie
Danielle Christmas
Esther Christmas
Leah Christmas
Natalie Christmas
Jennifer Chukwu
Alex Chung
Marcia Chung
Neema Chuol
Amy Church
Eleanor Church
Bea Churchill
Valerie Churchill
Valerie Churchill
Hannah Churn
Lucy Clacher
Sally Clare
Lizzy Claridge
Abigail Clark
Alice Clark
Amelia Clark
Ava Clark
Charley Clark
Ella Clark
Emilia Clark
Gemma Clark
Holly Clark
Isabel Clark
Jane Clark
Lucy Clark
Sophie Clark
Alexcia Clarke
Alison Clarke
Amy-Jo Clarke
Andrea Clarke
Ashleigh Clarke
Fiona Clarke
Georgina Clarke
Louisa Clarke
Mia Clarke
Rosie Clarke
Katherine Clay
Christine Clegg
Juliet Cleghorn
Alice Clemens
Natasha Clementis
Erica Clemming
Chloe Cleverley
Betsy Clewlow
Elizabeth Clifford
Madeline Clifford
Sarah Clifford
Charlotte Clover
Janice Clowes
Mallory Cluley
Sue Cluney
Susan Cluney
Katie Clutterbuck
Rachel Clutterbuck
Gemma Coate
Lisa Coate
Maria Coats
Madeleine Cobb
Lesley Cobden
Michelle Cobden
Charlotte Cockerill
Eugenie Cockle
Julia Cockram
Alyssa Codrington
Michele Coe-O'Brien
Rachel Coe-O'Brien
Florence Coen
Megan Coffey
Anri Cohen
Eleanor Cohen
Eleanor Cohen (nee Thomas)
Sandra Cohen
Maxine Coldrey
Caleisha Cole
Charlotte Cole
Charlotte Cole
Yvonne Cole
Cathy Coleman
Charlotte Coleman
Krystal-Rose Coleman
Holly Colenutt
Henrietta Coles
Clementine Coller
Louise Collier
Rosa Collier
Linda Collinge
Daisy Collingridge
Martha Collings
Allie Collins
Jessica Collins (G&G)
Jessica Collins (HHH)
Joanna Collins
Lili Collins
Michelle Collins
Rebecca Collins
Sally Collins
Zoe Collins
Ayesha Collinson
Maisie Collis
Gabrielle Collison
Julie Compton
Emma Conisbee
Marie Conmee
Jayne Connolly
Grace Connor
Chloe Constantine
Sofia Contino
Charlotte Conway
Sophie Conway
Alice Cook
Barbara Cook
Beryl Cook
Darcie Cook
Georgia Cook
Imogen Cook
Jayde Cook
Laura Cook
Lucy Cook
Margaret Cook
Nicola Cook
Stephanie Cook
Susan Cook
Susie Cook
Tasha Cook
Alex Cooke
Ellie Cooke
Lila Cooke
Tatiana Cooke
Ellen Cooksey
Kacey Coombes
Kaiah Coombes
Jenny Cooney
Shannon Cooney
Amy Cooper (G&G)
Amy Cooper (WSEH)
Anita Cooper
Freya Cooper
Giselle Cooper
Jacqueline A Cooper
Lola Cooper
Missy Cooper
Scarlet Cooper
Sophie Cooper
Andrea Coore
Katia Coppenrath
Nathalie Coppin
Sabrina Coppola Johansen
Barbara Corbett
Daisy Corbett
Helena Corbin
Izzy Corbin
Anna Corby
Mimi Corden-Lloyd
Charlotte Cordy
Tamsin Cornelius
Lorna Cornell
Muriel Cornell
Claire Cornish
Clairyssa Cornishe
Kyanne Cornwall
Karenza Corpez
Dominique Corradi
Jasmine Coss-Mullings
Michelle Costar
Niyah Costley
Ashley Cotton
Deborah Cotton
Wendy Cottrell
Gina Coulson
Amy Counihan
Rose Coverdale
Cate Coverley
Janice Covey
Linda Covey
Susan Covey
Jean Cowan
Lily Cowen
Lynne Cowlard
Sophie Cowper
Denise Cox
Josie Cox
Sophie Cox
Florie Craddock
Jill Craig
Poppy Craig-McFeely
Ashley Crane
Jessica Crathern
Jazz Crawford
Katie Crawford
Kyrra-Rhianne Crawford
Louisa Crawley
Lucy Crayton
Susanna Crayton
Susie Crayton
Caitlin Critchley
Charli Croll
Janice Cromarty
Tilly Crome
Grace Crompton
Marnie Crompton
Saray-Destiny Crosdale
Allison Crossman
Chloe Crossman
Georgina Crossman
Hayley Crosswell
Isabelle Crotty
Josie Crouch
Karen Crouch
Sadie Crouch
Felicity Croucher
Katherine Croxford
Julie Cruse
Zoe Cruywagen
Leanne Cryer
Jennifer Culley
Beccy Culverwell
Francesca Culy
Alison Cumings
Penelope Cummings
Penelope Cummings
Ella Cunnell
Abigail Cunningham
Amy Curran
Tamara Curran
Francesca Currie
Nicola Curtis
Rebecca Curtis-Hall
Emma Curzon
Bridget Cushen
Charlotte Cutler

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