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Today's Date: 19 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Vanessa La Fon
Rosalie Laban
Krystina Laffan
Bea Lafreniere
Lianne Lafreniere
Matilda Laidlaw
Lesley Lake
Morgan Lake
Jessica Lakin
Jade Lally
Charlotte Lam
Nicola Lamb
Sophie Lamb
Tabitha Lambe
Jane Lambert
Olivia Lamont
Katie Lampl
Izzie Lamport-Went
Tianna Lamptey
Claudia Lance Jones
Harriet Lance Jones
Holly Landon
Ellie Lane
Janine Lanek
Tracey Lanek
Alexandra Langdon
Marlene Lange
Georgia Langfield
Laura Langowski
Susan Lanham
Imani Lansiquot
Amelia Lansley
Electra Lanyon
Racheal Largie-Poleon
Rhianna Larkai
Daisy Larkin
Maureen Larkin
Joanne Larking
Phoebe Larn-Jones
Chloe Last
Julia Latin
Laila-Marie Latin
Amy Lauder
Amy Laurence
Phoebe Law
Rezan Lawal
Amy Lawrence
Emma Lawrence
Jessica Lawrence
Kaitlin Lawrence
Kathryn Lawrence
Megan Lawrence
Rebecca Lawrence
Stevie Lawrence
Holly Lawson
Barbara Lawton
Isabel Laycock
Catherine Layne
Calla Lazou
Megan Le Doare
Jacqueline Le Geyt
Kimberlie Le Geyt
Stephanie Le Geyt
Anna Leach
Amy Leafe
Susannah Lecoutre
Jacqueline Ledger
Lesley Ledger
Jessica Lee
Julia Lee
Kate Lee
Katherine Lee
Morgan Lee
Vicky Lee
Victoria Lee
Rosemary Leech
Tania Leeder
Gemma Lees
Emma Legg
Isobel Legg
Patricia Legg
Leila Legris
Isobel Leikis
Naomi Lenane
Imogen Leney
Joanna Lennon
Michelle Lennon
Mia Lennox-Imbastari
Eileen Leonard
Maya Lepine
Sheila Lerwill
Florence Leslie
Hannah Lester
Harriet Lester
Eleanor May Lestrange
Barbara Leszczynska
Caroline Letchford
Alice Lethbridge
Carla Letheby
Heather Letley
Angela Lettman
Lucy Lever
Bianca Levy
Rhianna Levy
Zyan Levy
Bethan Lewis
Chloe Lewis
Eugenie Lewis
Paula-Rose Lewis
Lucy Lewis Ward
Saffron Lewis-Collymore
Grace Leyland
Karen Liisberg
Caron Lillie
Jessica Lillywhite
Rachel Lindley
Jade Lindo
Sarah Lindsay
Alexandra Lindsay-Black
Beth Lingard
Elyse Linney
Emma Linteri
Carol Liquorish
Ella Litjens
Daisy Little
Celia Livesey
Samantha Lloyd
Chloe Lloyd-Clarkson
Sarah Loades
Charlotte Lock
Dorothy Betty Lock
Anne Locke
Joanne Locker
Natasha Lodge
Amelia Loizias
Sophie Lomas
Holly Lomax
Matilde Lomba
Jayne Lombardo-Frost
Cliona Long
Jasmine Long
Marian Katherine Rosalie Long
Marlies Long
Sarah Long
Sinead Long
Anita Longman
Rebecca Loomes
Laura Lopez
Chloe Lord
Katy Lord
Sophia Lorke
Mae Losson
Karen Loten
Nicole Loucaides
Jane Loughborough
Clare Love
Fiona Love
Katie Love
Claire O'Gorman
Helen Lovell
Chloe Lovett
Genevieve Lowe
Christine Lowson
Stephanie Loy
Constance Lubbock
Amanda Lucas
Margaret Lucas
Jade Lucas-Read
Dawn Lucy
Samantha Ludlow Taylor
Pauline Luffman
Emma Lulcheva
Marcia Lusted
Maya Lutier
Andrea Lynch
Dani Lynch
Jacqueline Lynch
Lucy Lynch
Sian Lynch
Katie Lyons
Katie Lysons

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