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Today's Date: 8 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Olivia D'Almeida
Bolu Dada
Birhan Dagne
Freya Daines
Esinam Dake
Zoe Dake
Imani Daley
Shanice Daley
Susan Dalgoutte
Charlotte Dallender
Estelle Damant
Ella Danby
Heidi Dann
Charlotte Dannatt
Danita Danso
Dougita Danso
Tasha Danvers-Smith
Natasha Danvers
Tasha Danvers
Tasha Danvers
Tasha Danvers-Smith
Laura Darcey
Gemma Dare
Kirsty Darroch
Hannah Dart
Jessica Dash
Carole Date-Chong
Libby Daunter
Elena Dauster
Shannon Davenport
Joanna Davey
Michele Davey
Tabatha Davey
Chiamaka Davids
Tochi Davids
Alecia Davidson
Anne Davidson
Liz Davidson
Liz Davidson
Kelly Davidson
Kerri Davidson
Alison Davies
Beryl Davies
Charlotte Davies
Ellizabeth Davies
Eloise Davies
Helen Davies
Hilary Davies
Jane Davies
Jenny Davies
Jess Davies
Lara Davies
Laura Davies
Megan Davies (G&G)
Megan Davies (CADAC)
Monique Davies
Niamh Davies
Nicole Davies
Pam Davies
Rebecca Davies
Rebecca Davies
Rhian Davies
Roisin Davies
Rosemary Davies
Zoe Davies
Pam Davies
Audrey Davis
Coral Davis
Emily Davis
Emma Davis
Helene Davis
Lois Davis
Monique Davis
Morgan Davis
Ruby Davis
Stephanie Davis
Montell Davis-Brown
Chloe Dawes
Samantha Dawson
Joanna Day
Sophie Day
Amy de Beaux
Emily de Beaux
Katie de Gregorio
Tara de Klerk
Philippa de la Rosee
Jasmine de la Touche
Fiona de Mauny
Fiona de Mauny
Emily De Nobrega
Megan De Silva
Maureen De'Giovanni
Sylvana De'Giovanni
Nicole Deaconescu
Alanna Dearden
Jules Del Nevo
Lara Delport
Olivia Dempsey-Streeter
Rashida Denbow
Lucy Denece
Hannah Denford
Katy Denham
Poppy Dennett
Ella Dennis
Ciara Denny
Evie Denton
Tracey Denton
Sophie Desmond
Marianne Claire Dew
Machayla Dewdney
Sofia Di Carlo
Katie Dibb
Rachel Dickens
Joanna Dickie
Felicity Dickinson
Susanne Dietrich
Giulia Dijk
Sandra Dike
Emily Dillamore
Rosalind Dilley
Caitlin Dimbleby
Sophie Dimbleby
Elizabeth Dingemans
Rebecca Dingemans
Jane Dinsdale
Rachelle Dinsdale
Rebecca Dinsdale
Rachel Disley
Poppy Disley-May
Madison Disney
Ceri Diss
Ceri Diss
Kathryn Ditton
Susanna Ditton
Estelle Djah
Tamara Djurovic
Ella Dobson
Monika Dochan
Amy Dodd
Isabelle Dodd
Jade Dodd
Madeleine Dodd
Beatrice Doherty
Laura Doherty
Olivia Doherty
Ruth Doherty
Ruth Doherty
Sophie Doherty
Blanka Domsodi
Evie Donaldson
Elizabeth Donnelly
Rachel Donnison
Julia Donovan
Lynne Donovan
Sarah Donovan
Zoe Doran
Rebecca Dore
Pauline Dorrell
Jasmin Dotzek
Emily Douglas
Sophie Douglas
Victoria Douglas
Carla Doukrou
Julia Doukrou
Amy Dove
Sophie Dove
Kitty Dover
Pamela Dowden
Sarah Dowie
Olivia Dowle
Sophie Dowle
Janet Down
Tamsyn Down
Kiaya Downer
Jessika Downes-Goessl
Amy Dowsett
Lindsay Doy
Amelia Doyle
Freya Doyle
Millie Doyle
Delmena Doyley
Iona Doyley
Rosemarie Doyley
Helen Drake
Erin Draper
Lynne Draper (Boult)
Shelley Drew
Christine Drewry
Olivia Drigui
Katie Driver
Megan Driver
Lois Drummie
Susan Drummie
Lucy Drummond
Juliet Drury
India Dryburgh
Millie Dryburgh
Andrea Dubell
Davine Dubidad
Laura Duce
Kathryn Duckett
Lucy Duckworth
Janine Dudley
Audrey Duffey
Christine Duffin
Irene Duffin
Jennifer Duffy
Juliet Duffy
Kiara Duffy
Sabine Duffy
Ana Duffy-Markovich
Annabelle Duggan
Jessica Duggan
Lorraine Duke
Phoebe Dunbar
Jennifer Duncan
Louise Duncan
Linda Dunglison
Emily Dunipace
Renira Dunkley
Alison Dunn
Ann Dunn
Candy Dunn
Claire Dunn
Florence Dury
Martha Dury
Georgia Duthie
Francesca Duvall
Julie Dwelly
Kathleen Dyer
Kitty Dyer
Savannah Dyer
Leah Dyson

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