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Today's Date: 8 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Sadia Kabeya
Aishwarya Kajendra
Hope Kalfoss
Joyce Kalombo
Christiana Kamdom Kemegne
Janet Kane
Prerana Kaneri
Charlotte Kanini-Parsons
Joya Kapoor
Alicia Kapotwe
Caroline Karanja
Karen Spackman
Freja Kargbo
Gabriella Kargbo
Katherine Childs
Hannah Katmeh
India Kaur
Josie Kavanagh
Leanne Kavanagh
Maria Kavanagh
Sinead Kay
Sarah Kaya
Nicky Kazzim
Shakila Keable
Rebecca Keddie
Katie Kedward
Nina Keeble
Rebecca Keeling
Jasmine Keen
Jennifer Keen
Nastassja Keenes
Jemyra Keeya
Emma Keiller
Katie Keiller
Nassou Keita
Sarah Kelley
Freya Kelly
Kimberley Kelly
Maya Kelly
Natasha Kelly
Nia Kelly
Jo Kelsey
Annice Kemp
Helen Kemp
Michelle Kemp
Phoebe Kemp
Lily Kendall
Nicole Kendall
Krischelle Kendall-Morris
Gracelyn Kendeck
Ciara Kennedy
Leonie Kennedy
Sacha Kennedy
Maria Consuelo Kennefick
Sandy Kenny
Atarah Kenton
Emelye Kenyon-Brown
Sylvia Kerambrum
Janice Kernot
Emer Kerr
Janis Kerr
Laura Kersley
Verity Keys
Alice Keyser
Amara Khan
Nassou Kheitar
Janet Kidd
Sienna Kidd
Wendy Kiener
Denise Killeen
Charlotte Kilpatrick
Trudi Kimish
Bev Kinch
Jessica Kinch
Amanda King
Amandine King
Connie King
Elaine King
Ella King
Emily King
Grace King
Heather King
Isabel King
Jessica King
Julie King
Lily King
Lulu King
Saskia King
Zoe King
Vanessa Kingham
Harriet Kingscott
Alison Kingston
Imogen Kingston
Isla Kinniburgh
Sarah Kinsella
Liz Kipling
Angelica Kirby
Christina Kirkby
Lily Kitto
Emma Kjaer
Joanna Klaptocz
Olivia Klein
Zerlina Klu
Emma Klugman
Rebecca Klys
Emily Kneebone
Medena Knespl
Jessie Knight
Stefanie Knight
Sue Knight
Hannah Knights
Debbie Knott
Maxine Knott
Shritha Reddy Kommula
Petra Kone
Wiebke Kortum
Matilda Kotcheff
Adriana Kotsirea
Cara Koutzaroff-Richards
Olivia Kraus
Kasia Kublik
Lily Kyle
Aisling Kyte

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