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Today's Date: 8 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Glalys S Dacosta
Natalie Sacre
Isabelle Sadler
Katie Sadler
Christine Sage
Sophia Sahai
Milly Sakai
Della Sakaria
Ellie Sakaria
Katie Sakaria
Kemi Salako-Moore
Jare Salami
Tosin Salami
Olivia Saligoi
Carol Salisbury
Lynn Salmon
Emiko Salvi
Gabbi Sam-Yorke
Anelia Samarapoulos
Chiara Samele
Madalina Samoila
Akemi Samuels
Gillian Sanders
Roseanne Sanders
Laura Sands
Naomi Santos-Amoah
Maureen Sargent
Bethany Sarkodie
Hope Sarti
Sarah Sasse
Ellie Satterthwaite
Jessica Saunders
Rianna Saunders
Vanessa Saunders
Freya Savage
Josie Savill
Emmie Savory
Cecilia Savundra
Katerina Savva
Clara Sawicki
Brenda Sawyer
Alessia Scala
Mabel-Rose Scales
Willow Scales
Emily Scantlebury
(Dorothy) Vedder Schenk
Jessica Schindler
Anna Schlerf
Katja Schlerf
Abbie Schmid
Nadja Schmidbauer
Phoebe Schofield
Louise Schramm
Christine Sciberras
Kim Scofield
Kerri Scott
Kitty Scott
La'Wren Scott
Martine Scott
Nancy Scott
Poppy Scott
Rio-Kristina Scott
Sabrina Scott
Tisha Scott
Ella Scrase
Jean Eileen MacKenzie (nee Scrivens)
Caroline Scully
Susan Seagrove
Alison Seal
Kassa Sealy
Dannielle Searle
Jenny Searle
Nicola Searle
Angharad Seaton
Sandra Seaton
Bobbie Seavill
Freya Sebastian-Davies
Michelle Sebele
Emily Secker
Anxhelika Selfollari
Jackie Selley
Ellen Sellwood
Beth Semiken
Dalia Serafy
Ellie Sergiou
Fatmata Sesay
Whitney Sesay
Jana Sethna-McIntosh
Kyra Sethna-McIntosh
Alice Setyabule
Daisy Setyabule
Isabella Setyabule
Mary Setyabule
Coralie Sexton
Marcia Sey
Natalie Seymour
Florence Shade
Gracie Shade
Ariana Shala
Alexandra Shamloll
Caroline Shanklyn
Zoe Shannon
Roisin Sharma
Annabel Sharpe
Molly-Kate Sharples
Molly Sharples
Alex Shaw
Hannah Shaw
Linann Shaw
Lynne Shaw
Maddie Shaw
Natasha Shaw
Sophie Shaw
Trinity Shaw
Jane Sheard
Ella Shears
Georgina Shears
Kate Sheehan
Natasha Sheel
Inez Sheikh
Grace Shephard
Hannah Shephard
Rosie Shephard
Zoe Shepherd
Julie Sheppard
Bevis Shergold
Emily Sherlock
Emmie Sherwood Williams
Chloe Sherwood-Williams
Katherine Shiel-Rankin
Susan Shiel-Rankin
Joanna Shillington
Amy Shilstone
Lucy Shiplee
Chloe Shipton
Angela Shirley
Shola Shokoya
Madeline Shott
Christine Sibley
Wooday Sidibe
Elisabeth Silcock
Milda Sileikaite
Scarlett Sim
Shayone Simao
Christine Simmonds
Dorothy Simmonds
Amy Simmons
Eleanor Simmons
Karen Simmons
Amelia Simon
Julia Simon
Jamie Simons
Joanne Simons
Robin Simons
Erin Simper
Annabel Simpson
Eleanor Simpson
Isla Simpson
Katie Simpson
Lisa Simpson
Rebecca Simpson
Kathleen Sims
Millie Sims
Chloe Sinclair
Olivia Sinclair
Shannon Sinclair
Isabel Sinden
Antara Singh
Debbie Singleton
Cecilia Siruffo
Ann Katherine Sissons
Elizabeth Sissons
Zoe Sivell
Natasha Skeet
Madeleine Sketchley
Anna V Skinner
Elinor Skinner
Florence Skinner
Maisie Skinner
Sandra Skinner
Jenny Skipp
Maisie Slaney
Mya Sleeman
Christine Slemon
Ellie Slevin
Chloe Smale
Dee Smale
Sophie Small
Catherine Smallbone
Alice Smallworth
Jenny Smart
Elizaveta Smirnova
Alice Smith
Alice Smith
Alison Smith
Amelia Smith
Anna Smith
Anne-Marie Smith
Anne Smith
Ann Smith
Brenda Smith
Cara Smith
Cheryle Smith
Corinna Smith
Eliza Smith
Florence Smith
Freya Smith
Hannah Smith
Holly Smith
Janet Carole Smith
Janet M Smith (1968)
Julia Smith
Justine Smith
Kelesha Smith
Laura Smith
Leah Smith
Linda Smith
Linda Smith (1966)
Lucile Smith
Mabel Smith
Maya Smith
Megan Smith
Mika Smith
Nicola Smith
Phoebe Smith
Phoebe Smith
Rebecca Smith
Rebekah Smith
Rona Smith
Rosie Smith
Sally Smith
Sharon Smith
Victoria Smith
Eleanor Smith-Hahn
Sabrina Smith-Henry
Ella Smithmier
Sharon Smyth
Summer Snelgrove
Jill Snelling
Katie Snowden
Sylvia Snuggs
Nadia Sole
Elaine Somerville
Gillian Sommerfelt
Grace Sone
Annabel Soper
Katherine Soper
Kessie Soper
Tosin Sotubo
Abi Southwell
Ava Spackman
Ellie Spain
Katherine Spann
Eleanor Sparkes
Isabelle Sparkes
Anne Sparrow
Anabelle Spasova
Philippa Spawforth
Sarah Spears
Harriet Speed
Beatrice Speelmans
Matilde Speelmans
Polly Spence
Jean Spencer
Susan Spencer-Cusick
Vivienne Spindler
Emily Spooner
Linda Sprigings
Laila Sriskandarajah
Veronica St. Ange
Haley St. Ange
Pamela St Ange
Nicky St. Clair
Claire St. John
Lyndsay St. Luce Boyce
Robyn St. Luce Boyce
Sharon St. Luce Boyce
Anya Stacey
Maggie Stacey
Rachel Stacy
Gillian Staerck
Abigail Stafford
Caroline Stakalls
Issy Stamp
Rachel Stamper
Emily Stancliffe
June Standing
June Standing
Susan Stanley
Sue Stanley
Robyn Stannard
Amy Stanton
Isabelle Stanway
Louise Stanway
Chloe Staplehurst
Poppy Stapleton
Amelie Stark
Heather Statham
Maggie Statham-Berry
Maggie Statham
Holly Staveley-Wadham
Elizabeth Stavreski
Amelia Steans
Jill Savage
Jill Stebbings
Michelle Steen
Heather Steere
Ellen Steinbach
Jenny Steinitz
Eloise Stenner
Lavinya Stennett
Michelle Stephens
Elspeth Stephenson
Linda Stephenson
Claire Sterry
Annes Stevens
Elizabeth Stevens
Ethel Stevens
Lara Stevens
Paige Stevens
Soraya Stevens
Toni Stevens
Matilda Stevens-Cox
Chyna Stewart
Davia Stewart
Diana Stewart
Emily Stewart
Helen Stewart
Isabelle Stewart
Kirstin Steyn
Amelia Stiff
Olivia Stillman
Tara Stimpson
Sophie Stimson
Charlotte Stoate
Amber Stobbs
Isobel Stockley
Riona Stockley
Hannah Stockwell
Sara Stodart
Imogen Stoddart
Victoria Stokes
Caroline Stolz
Allison Stone
Anne Stone
Isobel Stone
Joanna Stone
Julie Stone
Kyra Stone
Rebecca Stone
June Stonehouse
Ginevra Stoneley
Amber Stoner
Ella Stoner
Claire Stonestreet
Louisa Stoney
Autumn Stoodley
Becky Storer
Sophie Storey
Kloe Storrie
Pollyanne Stott
Sabrina Stoute
Syreeta Stracey
Jenny Strange
Ailish Straver
Maria Straw
Bethan Street
Ellie Street
Violet Street
Imogen Stringer
Amy Strode
Georgia Strode
Annabel Strong
Holly Stroud
Jade Stroud
Janet Stroud
Raheen Stroude-McLean
Millie Strudwick
Jennifer Stuart
Maddie Sturgess
Lucy Sturton
Nikki Sturzaker
Katie Styles
Jimena Stynes
Hannah Sugden
Laura Suggitt
Charlotte Summers
Francesca Summers
Georgina Summers
Ruth Summers
Lucy Sumner
Fiona Sunley
Kirstin Sutherland
Nicola Sutherland
Sophie Sutherland
Eliza Sutton
Karen Sutton
Lisa Sutton
Michelle Sutton
Holly Sutton Trott
Misheel Suvd
Helena Svanstrom
Elizabeth Swain
Suzanne Swaine
Lauren Swallow
Rachael Swan
Lauren Sweetman
Philippa Sweetnam
Jessica Swetman
Bella Swinburne
Amy Syder
Poppy Sykes
Daniella Syme
Leah Syme
Phillipa Syme
Eloisa Symonds
Marie Synnott-Wells
Bori Szegedi
Christine Szekely

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