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Today's Date: 8 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Richmond Baah
Jack Baart
Olusegun Babalola
Stephen Babalola
Rab Babataher
Steve Badgery
Oliver Baggott
John Baggs
Mohamadou Diallo Bah
Souleyman Bah
Christopher Bailey
Chris Bailey
Elliot Bailey
Ian Bailey
Reshayne Bailey
Tim Bailey
Lewis Bainbridge
Israel Bakare
Christopher Baker
Daniel Baker
Edward Baker
Harry Baker
Harun Baker
Hugh Baker
James Baker
Joshua Baker
Luke Baker
Mark Baker
Niclas Baker
Oliver Baker
Peter Baker
Rondane Baker
Timothy Baker
Zeb Baker
Luc Balayer
Dylan Baldock
Mark Baldock
Hugh Balfour
Jean Ball
Kenneth Ball
Marius Ball
Olivier Ball
Robin Ball
Tom Ball (DMV)
Tom Ball (HHH)
Michael Ballard
Bryan Balle
Andrew Bamber
Joachim Bambury
Edwin Bamfo
Peter Bammodu
Kevin Bangato
Michael Banks
Ray Banks
Thomas Banner
Jack Bannister
Mark Barac
Finlay Barber
Kelvin Barber
Patrick Barber
Jonathan Barbour
Reinfreid Bardelang
Charlie Bardell
William Bardsley
Jamie Barefield
Mark Barella
John Barham
Avery Barikor
Pascal Barikor
Callum Barker
Eric Barker
George Barker
Joe Barker
Sam Barker
Zachary Barker
Dominic Barnaby
David Barnard
Alan Barnes
Darren Barnes
Indy Barnes
Jerome Barnes
Harry Barnett
Joseph Barnett
Reece Barnett
Thomas Barnett
Ted Barnicoat
Will Barnicoat
Peter Barratt
Tony Barratt
Adam Barrett
Andrew Barrett
Brian Tony Barrett
Mike Barrett
Simon Barrett
David Barrington
Grant Barrington
Ben Barry
Shane Barry
Thomas Barry
Joshua Bartholomew (Sutt)
Josh Bartholomew (E&E)
Philip Barthropp
Philip Bartlett
Thomas Bartlett
David Bartley
Nicholas Barton
Riley Barton
Carl Bashford
Leo Basi
Sam Bass
Stephen Bass
Daryl Bassett
James Bassett
Grant Bassford
Russell Bassford
Reynier Basutil
Charles Batchelor
Richard Batchelor
Andrew Bate
Ewan Bate
Cameron Bateman
Lewis Bateman
Spencer Bateman
Timothy Bateman
Alan Bates
David Bates
James Bates
Lawrence Bates
Stephen Bates
William Bates
Adam Bator-Brown
Michael Batt
James Batten
Nicholas Batten
Paul Batten (Ex Beagles)
Paul Batten (Croy H)
Tom Batten
Christian Battistessa
Alfie Battle
Luke Baumkotter
Christopher Baverstock
Elliott Baveystock
Rowan Bavington-Hall
Benjamin Baxter
Hank Baxter
Edward Baxter-Derrington
Elliot Bayley
David Bayliss
Andrew Baynham
Gregory Baynham
Martin Bazley
Timothy Beagent
Samuel Beaghan
Richard Beak
Christian Beale
Raymond Bean
Roger Bean
Simon Bean
Andrew Beard
Simon Beardsall
Thomas Beare
Phillip Bearman
Alex Beattie
Oscar Beattie
Thomas Beattie
James Beaty
Calum Beauchamp
Christopher Beaumont
Paul Beaumont
David Beaver
Matthew Beavis
Robin Bebbington
Paul Beck
Jamel Beckford
Maxwell Bediako
George Beecham
Patrick Beeley
Jason Beeraje
Michael Beevor
Jonathan Beharie
Mark Beharie
Jamie Beighton
Nathan Bekele
Lawrence Belcher
Nikolai Belcher
Khalid Belhaj
Alex Bell
Dominic Bell
Dom Bell
Harry Bell
James Bell
John Bell
Louis Bell
Martin Bell
Shawn Bell
Wayne Bell
Josh Bellamy
Adam Bellis
Deji Bello
Rotimi Bello
Seyi Bello
Bob Belmore
Stan Belton
William Belton
Jorge Beltrao
Kaan Bengi
Daniel Benham
John Cecil Benham
Ramon Benitez
Adrian Benjamin
Clive Benjamin
Elijah Benjamin
Samson Benjamin
Robert Benn
Joshua Bennett
Michael Bennett
Peter Bennett (Sy Bgls)
Peter Bennett (Sutt&D)
Peter Bennett (Mit)
Geoffrey Bennette
AJ Bennetts
Bilal Bentchakal
Russell Bentley
Arnold Bentt
Alexander Berard
Alan Berkeley
Darren Bernard
Jake Bernard
Jason-Louis Bernard
Sebastiano Beroldo
John Berry
Erik Bertheussen
Ayman Besaies
Ben Bessant
Alexander Best
Dayton Best
Nathan Best
Kertis Beswick
Tom Bettinson
Bo Beynon
Umran Bhatti
John Peter Bicourt
Karl Biggs
Neil Biggs
Herbert James Bignall
Tony Bignell
Andrew Bilby
Oliver Billingham
Connor Bindler
Jack Bingham
Max Bingham
Ben Birch
Douglas Charles Birch
Sam Birch
Paul Birchall
Gary Bird
Mark Bird
Nigel Bird (Wok)
Nigel Bird (Sy B)
William Bird
Miles Birkby
Geoffrey Biscoe
Gordon Biscoe
Keith Bish
Alex Bishop
Ben Bishop
David Bishop
Gary Bishop
Sam Bishop (Stoke)
Sam Bishop (Walt)
Sam Bishop
Steven Bishop
Mike Bisiker
James Bixley
Alan Black
Billy Black
Jonathan Blackburn
Anthony Blackhurst
Jamal Blackman
Joe Blacknell
Julian Blackstock
Richard Blackwell
Hugo Blackwood
Leo Blackwood
Zachary Blair
Christopher Blake
Dario Blake
David Blake
Javon Blake
Kobi Blake
Oliver Blake
Stephen Blake
Zico Blake
Rhys Blake-Butler
Finn Blakeney
Ben Blamey
Thomas Blamey
James Blanchard
Nicholas Blanchard
Oscar Blanchard
Johnnie Bland
Andrew Blandford
Columba Blango
Leon Blatch
Philip Blatch
John Blaydon
Jake Blayney
Timothy Blewitt
Edward Blocksidge
Tom Blocksidge
Dane Blomquist
Jamie Bloomfield
Alastair Bloore
Anthony Blount
Adam Bloxsome
David Blunt
Peter Blunt
Benjamin Boardman
Clement Boateng
Daniel Boateng
Alex Bodin
Jake Bodin
Sam Bodoano
Michael Body
Dominic Bokor-Ingram
Henry Bolden
Fredric Bolton
Alex Bond
David Bond
Clement Bondzie
George Bone
Jacopo Bonetti
Andrew Bonham
Tom Bonham
Daniel Bonnett
Alexander Bonnick
Thomas Bonniface
Robin Boon
Joshua Boorman
Jeremy Booth
John Booth
Joseph Booth
Terry Booth
William Boothe
Mark Boreham
Tom Boret
Iwan Borszcz
Jack Borszcz
Tom Borszcz
Toby Borthwick
Matthias Bos
Adam Bosher
Simon Boskovic
Michael Bossick
Frank Bostock Westland
Jed Botham
Raymond Bott
James Bottomley
Joseph Bouakaze-Khan
Mattao Bouget-Kotlar
Matthew Boughton
Raid Boukari
Luca Boulton
Conrad Bourne
George Bourne
Jack-Louis Bourne
Jack Bourne
Kieran Justin Bouwmeester-Reid
Ruben Bouwmeester-Reid
Josh Bowden
Reiss Bowen-Deans
Frankie Bower
Gordon Bowerman
Aaron Bowers
Reece Bowers
Joe Bowler
Jake Bowles
Jacob Bowyer
Toby Box
Matthew Boxall
AJ Boyce
David Boyce
Reegan Boyce
Christian Boyd
Harry Boyd
Ian Hugh Boyd
Jason Boyd
Owen Boyd
Christopher Boyle
Michael Boyle
Tom Boyle
Lucas Boyt
Hruoje Bozic
Philip Brabazon
Leslie Brace
Thomas Bracegirdle
Oliver Bracher
Charlie Brackenborough
Tom Brada
Eric Bradbrook
Gary Bradbury
Ben Bradley
Darren Bradley
Liam Bradshaw
Martin Bradshaw
Eoin Brady
Darcy Braimoh
Christopher Brambley
Tom Brandon
David Brands
Gary Brant
Hugh Brasher
Isaiah Brathwaite-Watson
Jack Braughton
Andrew Bray
Peter Bray
Wesley Bray
David Brazil
Adrian Francis Breacker
Alan K Breden
Sonny Breeze
Barnaby Brennan
Neil Brennan
Tim Brennan
Max Brett
Daniel Brewer
Ernest John (Jack) Brewer
Luke Brice
Thomas Brice
Ian Briden
Edward Bridges
Mark Bridges
Thomas Bridgland
Joseph Brien
John H Brierley
David Brigden
Ian Briggs
Oliver Briggs
Ben Bright
Christopher Bright
Connor Bright
Harold Bright
James Bright
Brian Brind
Jonathan Brine
Frank Briscoe
Roy Brisley
George Edward Broad
Kai Broadbent
David Brock
Gareth Brock
Guy Foster Brockington
William Brockman
Aaron Broderick
Donovan Broderick
Matthew Broderick
Barry Broe
Kelvin Bromley
Graham Brook
Alexander Brooke-Turner
Richard Brooker
James Brookes
Adam Brooks
Ben Brooks
Clifford Brooks
David Brooks
James Brooks
Michael Brooks
Miles Brooks
Mityrae Francis Brooks
William Brooks
Lee Broomfield
Piet Broos
Leonard Brosh
Matthew Brosnihan
Jack Brotchie
Jack Broughton
Aaron Brown
Alfred Brown
Craig Brown
Daniel Brown (HHH)
Daniel Brown (Sutt&D)
David Brown
Gari Brown
Jamie Brown
Jase Brown
Jim Brown
John Brown
Joshua Brown
Keith Brown
Latario Brown
Matthew Brown
Michael Brown
Miles Brown
Nik Brown
Oliver Brown
Oliver Brown
Patrick Brown
Richard Brown
Sanford Brown
Sheldon Brown
Trevor Brown
Yoshua Brown
Derek Browne
Jonathan Browne
Keith Browning
Neil Browning
Aaron Bruce
Mike Bruce
Robert Bruce
Steven Bruce
Raphael Bruce-Smith
Roger Bruck
Roman Bruck
Ben Brunswick
Alfie Bryan
Shad-Juan Bryan-Gray
David Bryant
Tucker Bryant
Terence Bryanton
Lewis Bryce
Oak Buchan
Colin Buchanan
David Buckingham
Richard Buckingham
Thomas Buckland
Jonathan Buckland-Nicks
Nicholas Buckle
Ralphael Buckle
Paul Francis Bucknor
Jake Budd
Abdulazeez Buhari
Alexander Buhler
Ryszard Buk
Adrian Bull
Mackenzie Bull
Joe Bullen
Thomas Bullen
Daniel Bullock
Chris Bundhun
Keith Burchell
Shaun Burchell
Stanford Burgan
Graham Burgess
Jack Burgess
Jonathan Burgess
Louis Burgess
Paul Burgess
Eric Burke
Jobie Burke
Kevin Burke
Kyron-Bailee Burke
Marvin Burke
Matthew Burke
Ray Burke
Andrew Burles
Alan Burn
Callum Burnip
Nathaniel Burns
Finn Burns-Hussein
N'Ziah Burrell
Drew Burridge
Alex Burrows
Joshua Burrows
Peter Burrows
Alex Burt
Christopher Burton
Jack Burton
Malcolm Burton
Christopher Busaileh
Stuart Bush
William Bussell
Thomas Butcher
Tom Butcher
Michelangelo Buter
Angus Butler
Jack Butler
Luke Butler
Mark Butler
Matthew Butler
Peter Butler
Ronan Butler
Henry Butt
Jemil Butt
Eric Button
Jason Butts
Tom Butvher
Terence Buxton
Alex Byrne
Brendan Byrne
Sean Byrne

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