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Today's Date: 8 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Jake Raby
James Rady
Thomas Rady
William Rady
Robert Radzius
Neil Rae
Tom Rae
Alexander Raeburn
Faraz Rafi
Sean Rafique
Glenn Raggett
Alwaaz Rahman
Jeevan Rai
Adam Raimondo
Christian Raimondo
Jonathan Raimondo
Jacob Rainier
Joshua Rainier
Oliver Ralph
Tarun Ramphul
Torin Ramsay
Harry Ramsey
Simeon Ramsey-Graham
Alix Ramsier
Paul Ramsier
Leeshan Ramtin
Jack Randall
Matthew Randall
Alistair Ranns
Brian Ranstead
Brian Ransted
Sebastian Rapela
Fabio Rastellini
Tom Ratcliff
Jonathan Ratcliffe
George Rates
John Rathbone
Marko Ravic
Christopher Rawcliffe
Craig Rawlings
Armin Ray
Victor Ray
Theo Raynbird
Richard Raynesford
Hasan Razawi
James Razey
Ruben Rea
Freddie Read
Max Read
Aaron Reader
Joe Readey
Keith Reardon
Alfie Rebbeck
Peter Rebello
Glen Reddington
Michael Redmond
Douglas Redsull
Carl Reed
Laurence Reed
Matthew Reed
Mickey Reed
Peter Reed
George Rees
Matthew Rees
Michael Rees
Scott Rees
Toby Rees
Aubrey Vincent Reeve
Lewis Reeve
Andrew Reeves
Harry Reeves
Philip Reeves
David Regan
Max Reglar
Ken Rehill
Ashley Reid
Buddy Reid
Callum Reid
Casey Reid
Donovan Reid
Jason Reid
Javon Reid
Kamal Reid
Lewis Reid
Murray Reid
Neil Reid
Nicholas Reid
Omar Reid
Prince Reid
Sandy Reid
Troy Reid
Neil Reissland
Neal Renfer
Gary Rennie
Morgan Rennie
Ryen Rennie
Thomas Renshaw
Reginald William Revans
Hector Revill
Bryn Reynolds
Harry Reynolds
John Reynolds
Patrick Reynolds
Toby Reynolds
Kyle Reynolds-Warmington
Michael Rezin
Jamal-Marcus Rhoden-Stevens
Gary Ribbons
Oliver Ricceri
Alex Rice
Anthony Rice
David Rice
D Norman Rice
Sami Rice
Jake Rich
Aedan Richards
Ayrton Richards
Dominique Richards
Jesaiah Richards
Joe Richards
Kiran Richards
Robert Richards
Sean Richards
Stefan Richards
Thomas Richards
Thomas John Henry Richards (1910)
Tom Richards
David Richards
Adam Richardson
Geoff Richardson
Luis Richardson
Peter Richardson (1945)
Peter Richardson
Samuel Richardson
Simon Richardson
Jack Richardson-Coleman
Paul Richley
Michael Rickard
Leslie Rickett
Claudius Ricketts
Freddy Ricketts
Theseus Ricketts
Michael Riddell
Michael Riddell
Jon Ridgeon
Noah Ridgeon
Laurenzio Rigamonti
Thomas Rigard-Asquith
Nicholas Rilett
Simon Riley
Elvis Rimdap
Stephen Rimmer
Luke Ringwood
Munroe Ritchie
William Ritchie-Moulin
Shaun Ritson
Blas Rivero-Stevenet
Raphael Rivero-Stevenet
Ben Rivers
Philip Rivet
John Rix
Heaven-Lee Roach
Tyler Roach
Robert Roath (1933)
Robert Roath (1955)
Alexander Roberts
Andrew Roberts
David Roberts
Euan Roberts
Flynn Roberts
George Roberts
Joe Roberts
John Roberts
Mark Roberts
Matthew Roberts
Paul Roberts
Tim Roberts
Damien Robertson
George Robertson
James Robertson
John Robertson
Max Robertson
Eli Robery
Oliver Robini
Anthony Robins-Kent
Adam Robinson
Alexander Robinson
Andrew Robinson
Andy Robinson
Archie Robinson
Blaine Robinson
Byron Robinson
Daniel Robinson
David Robinson
Finley Robinson
Giles Robinson
Harry Robinson
Malcolm Robinson
Michael Robinson
Peter Robinson
Rajay Robinson
Roger Robinson
Rorie Robinson
Stephen Robinson
Tim Robinson
William Robinson
Benjamin Robson
Ben Robson
Leau Roch
Thomas Roch
Paul Roche
Ben Rochford
Paul Rodgers
Alexander Rodrigues
Hugo Rodrigues
Mark Rodrigues
Matthew Rodrigues
Alexander Rodriguez
Ezra Rodriques
Tom Roessler
Daniel Roffey
Alan Rogers
Duncan Rogers
Graham Rogers
Harry Rogers
Stanley Rogers
Caden Rogers-Everitt
Shane Roiser
Sam Rolaston
Benjamin Rolfe
Duncan Rolfe
Simon Roll
Thomas Rollins
Cameron Rolph
James Romer
Errol Roofe
Cillian Roohan
Lawrence Rook
Howard Rooks
Martyn Rooney
Calum Roots
Cillian Roots
Jaleel Roper
Jamari Roper
Jake Rose
Mark Rose
Matthew Rose
Gavin Ross
Roy J Rosser
Nicholas Rossi
Louis Rossi-Jones
David Rough
Stuart Rough
Chris Rousell
Tom Rouvray
Archie Rowan
Hallam Rowan
Jack Rowe
Liam Rowe
Marcelle Rowe
Marchelle Rowe
Martin Rowe
Rojhe Rowe
Sam Rowe
Tommy Rowe
William Rowe
Joshua Rowland
Luke Rowland
Ashley Rowlands
Jacob Rowson
Sebastien Royce
Gavin Roye
Jordan Roye
Lancelot Carrington Royle
Brandon Rrustemaj
Michael Ruda
Jake Ruddlestone
Daniel Rumbles
Joseph Rumfitt
Michael Ruocco
Simon Rush
Alastair Rushforth
Nathanael Rushforth
Caleb Rushton
Ethan Rushton
Daniel Rusling
Jordan Russel
Ethan Russell
Gavin Russell
Gordon Russell
Jude Russell
Ollie Russell
Robert Russell
William Russell
Joseph Russian
Jack Rutherford
Nick Ryan
Jaylan Ryan-Coker
Anthony Rycraft

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