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Today's Date: 8 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Arda Yalin
Sawatomo Yamakawa
Will Yang
Ryan Yap
Joe Yarde
Nathan Yarde
Peter Yarlett
Anthony Yates
Callum Yates
Iain Yates
Joshua Yates
Kenneth Bernard Helen Yates
Oliver Yates
Bernard Yeboah
Derek Yeboah
Merhawi Yemane
David Yeoell
Ethan Yewings
Louis Ying
Dela Yohuno
Denis Yorke
Angus Young
Ben Young
Bradley Young
Harry Young
Hayden Young
Jack Young
Joe Young
Noah Young
Philip A Young
Reece Young
Robert A Young
Yakob Ysrayah
Zane Yuille
James Yun-Stevens
Yacin Yusuf

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