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Today's Date: 3 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Greg Cackett
John Cadman
Mark Cahill
Peter Cahill
Edward Caiger
Christian Cairns
Christian Cairns Thomas
Martin Calder
Matthew Calder
Richard Calder
Luke Caldwell
Francesco Calemma
Harry Callanan
Keaton Callender-Nantwi
Edward Caltieri
Paul Calver
Kenneth Camac
Sam Camenzuli
Javari Cameron
Shaquielle Cameron
Chezray Cammock
Ashley-David Campbell
Cayden Campbell
Daniel Campbell (Croydon)
Daniel Campbell (Belgrave)
Daniel Campbell (DMV)
Dylan Campbell
Gregory Campbell
Kamran Campbell
Kenny Campbell
Liam Campbell
Lincoln Campbell
Oliver Campbell
Ollie Campbell
Callum Campbell-Curd
Pierce Campbell-Drummond
Ryan Campbell-Walton
Timothy Campion-Smith
Patrick Canavan
Bryn Cann
Eoin Canning
Finn Canning
Joel Cant
Sam Cantelo
Finlay Cantwell
Nick Canty
Nathan Capindale
Christopher Carden
Louis Cardona
Oliver Carew
Michael Carlile
Dylan Carlsson-Smith
Tshon Carnegie-Whyte
Jerry Carnell
Tim Carnell
David Carpenfelt
Archie Carpenter
Ben Carpenter (SLH)
Ben Carpenter (Wav)
Ben Carpenter (Holl Sp)
Harry Carpenter
Stephen Carpenter
William Henry Carpenter
Benjy Carr
Chris Carr
Joshua Carr
Alan Carr-Locke
Omari Carr-Miller
James Carroll
Calum Carson
Barton Carter
Christopher Carter
John Carter
Louis Carter
Tom Carter
Peter Carton
Paul Cartwright
Oliver Cartwright Smith
Cyle Carty
Nathan Carty
Angus Caruth
Christopher Cary
Jed Casco
Benjamin Cascoe
Devonte Casely-Hayford
Miles Casey
Stephen Casey
Theo Casey
Jack Caskey
Joshua Cass
Peter Cassidy
Warren Caswell
Simon Catchpole
Ed Catmur
Ken Caulder
Adam Cauldwell
Paul Cave
Owen Cawood
Jordan Caws
Kevin Cayley
Chris Cecil
Matthew Cecil
James Celliers
Owen Chadwick
Rhys Chadwick
Christian Chalder
Paul Chalobah
Ousman Cham
Cory Chambers
Glenn Chambers
Peter Chambers
Roy Chambers
Tom Chambers
William Chambers
Michael Champion
Andrew Chan
Matthew Chan
Jake Chandler
Paul Chandler
Thomas Chandler
Laurence Chandy
Finnian Chang
Sebastian Chang
Stuart Channon
George Chaplin
Alexander Chapman (1994)
Alex Chapman (2007)
David Chapman
Dominic Chapman
Harry Chapman
James Chapman
Jamie Chapman
Jordan Chapman
Maldwyn Chapman
Michael Chapman
Daniel Chappell
Harry Chappell
James Chappell
Robert Chappell
Thomas Chappell
Tom Chappell
Hamish Chapple
Edward Charlesworth
Thomas Charman
Tom Charman
Benjamin Charnock
Ben Charnock
George Charnock
Jocelyn L H Chase
Justin Chaston
Christopher John Chataway
Rory Chatterton
Jack Chaudhury
Jake Chavagneux
Chris Cheeseman
Harry Cheesman
Samuel Cheesman
Chris Cheetham
Thomas Cheetham
Jonathan Chen
Kenrick Cheong
Andrei Chernolesskiy
Theo Cheshire
Mel Cheskin
Alfred Chessum
Dave Chettle
Sam Chetwynd
Joshua Cheyne
Stephen Child
Alex Chilton
Christo Chilton
George Chilton
Joseph Chimkah
Darren Chin
Cameron Chisholm
Edward Chisholm
Derek Chitty
Max Chitty
Yamin Choudhury
Lewis Chouls
Hayden Christian
Alexander Christie
Matthew Christie
George Christmas
Michael Christov
Adam K Chromniak
Edward Chuck
Joseph Chukwuadinula
Zak Chukwuemeka
Colin Church
Ray Church
Harrold George Churcher
Mark Churchward
Martin Chuter
Daniel Cipriani
Nick Clanchy
Ryan Clancy
Joe Clark
Aaron Clark
Ben Clark
Edward Clark
Ed Clark
Frederick Ernest Clark
Herbert Clark
Joseph Clark
Mark Clark
Ronald Sydney Clark
Steve Clark
William Clark
Joshua Clark-Bell
Andrew Clarke
Christopher Clarke
Dant'e Clarke
David Clarke
Dylan Clarke
Ezra Clarke
Jack Clarke
Jamal Clarke
Jerrell Clarke
Jonathan Clarke
Kieran Clarke
Mike Clarke
Nicholas Clarke
Nico Clarke
Peter Clarke
Richard Clarke
Selwyn Clarke
Stefan Clarke
Will Clarke
Anthony Clarkson
Bryan Clasby
Adam Claudet
Morrison Cleaver
Amille Clegg
Jack Clegg
Robert Cleghorn
James Clement
Paul Clement
James Clement-Nash
Andrew Clements
Matthew Clements
James Clements-Nash
Thomas Clerkin
Sam Cliff
Noah Clifford
Philip Clift
Samuel Clifton
John Climpson
Joshua Clinton
Frank Close
Toby Spencer Cloves
Adrian Cluskey
Matthew Clutterbuck
Alex Coakley
Philip Coales
Adam Coates
Jon Coates
Robert Coates
Edward Coats
Will Cobbett
Liam Cobley
Sebastian Cockerell
Will Cockerell
Gus Cockle
Nick Cockle
David Cocks (1943)
David Cocks (1961)
Iain Cocks
David Cocksedge
Alex Cockwill
Courtney Codrington
Louis Codrington
Daniel Coe
Peter Coe
Thomas Coe
Jacob Coen
Deon Coetzee
Joshua Coffey
Christopher Cogswell
Adam Cohen
Samuel Cohen
Adeoluwa Coker
Capre Cole
David Cole
Graham Cole
Neil Cole
Niall Coles
Rick Coles
Andy Coley-Maud
Andrew Maud
Daniel Colgate
Sam Colgate
Benjamin Collier
Ben Collier
Lloyd Collier
Roy Collier
Andrew Collings
Andrew Collins
Barry Collins
Cornell Collins
Jack Collins
Justin Collins
Reuben Collins
Tony William George Collins
Xander Collins
Chris Collins-Ahousa
Finley Collopy
Joseph Collyer-Hamlin
Chris Colman
Michael Conerney
Gary Conlon
Greg Conlon
Rhys Conlon
Thomas Conlon
Charles Conn
Malcolm Connelly
Declan Connolly
Kieron Connor
Oliver Connor
Sean Connor
Steven Connor
Anthony Constantinou
Andrew Conway
Mathew Conway (HHH)
Matthew Conway
William Conway
Andrew Cook
David R Cook
David Cook
Gareth Cook
Gavin Cook
Matthew Cook
Nile Cook
Shay Cook
Barry Cooke
Calvin Cooke
Daniel Cooke
Shaun Cooke
Tim Cooke
Charlie Cookman
Colin Cooper
James Cooper
Max Cooper
Rufus Cooper
Donald Cope
Joseph Cope
Myles Copeland-Naulty
Robin Copestick
Oliver Coppellotti
Charlie Corbett (1993)
Charlie Corbett (1997)
Tom Corbett (Oxted)
Tom Corbett (HW)
Ronald Corbin
George Corcoran
Patrick Corcoran
Allan Cord
Steve Corfield
Jake Cork
Oliver Corner
Jayden Cornwall-Thompson
Chris Cornwell
Karl Corpes
William Corr
Michael Corrigan
Ethan Cort
Jack Cosson
Jose Costa
Luis Costa
Ciaran Costello
Evan Cotter
Michael Cotterill
Josh Cottingham
Ian Cotton
Oscar Cotton
Michael Cottrill
Paul Coughlan
Jason Coultman
Liam Coultman
Curtis Court
Martin Cousins
Michael Cousins
Tom Coveney
Mark Covington
David Cowan
Dwayne Cowan
Evan Cowell-New
Andrew Cowen
Joshua Cowie
Paul Cowling
Craig Cox
Harry Cox
John Cox
Jonny Cox
Kelly Cox
Kyran Cox
Lewis Cox
Macgregor Cox
Matthew Cox
Torin Cox
Jack Crabtree
Michael Crabtree
David Craddock
Ned Craddock
Edward Craft
Joshua Craft
Daniel Craig-McFeely
Peter Crane
Kyle Cranston
Tom Crawford
Jonathan Crawshaw
Oliver Crawshaw
Gareth Creagh
Wane Creasey
Theo Creed
Shaun Cregeen
Etienne Crevel
Jake Cribben
Sam Cribben
Telemachus Crichlow
Paul Cripps
David Criscuolo
Charles Critchell
Charlie Critchley
Harry Critchley
Sam Critchley
Edmund Croall
Rudy Croall
Art Croasdale
Joe Croft
Lawrence Croll-Mensah
Connor Crompton
Brook Cronin
Kenneth Crooke
Andrew Crooks
Peter Croome
Tommaso Crosara
Peter Crosbie
Freddie Crosby
Freddy Crosby
John Cross
John Crosse
Stuart Crossman
Tim Crossman
Stephen Crouch
Zachary Crowe (Walton)
Zachary Crowe
Zachary Crowther
Lawrence Croxson
Matthew Croydon
Finn Crumley
Sean Crummy
John Crumplin
Mark Cryer
Brendan Cull
Christopher Cull
David Cull
Ben Cullen
Rupert Cumberlege
Anthony Cummings
Ben Cummings
James Cummins
Robin Cunliffe
Edward Cunniffe
Charlie Cunningham
Craig Cunningham
Fraser Cunningham
Oliver Cunningham
Stephen Cunningham
Adam Curran
Ethan Curran
Zak Curran
Kevin Currid
Harry Currie
Stanley Currie
Oscar Curry
Tom Cursons
Luke Curtis
David Curzon
Mike Cushion
Daryl Cyprien

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