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Today's Date: 3 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Anthony La Roche
Flynn Laban
Mackenzie Laban
Francis Labinjo
Phill Lacey
Matthew Lachicoree
Jaden Ladega
Temi Ladega
Du'aine Ladejo
Jon Ladley
Leon Lafreniere
Alek Lagowski
Alan Laifa
Dapo Laifa
Danny Laing
Noah Laird
Guy Laister
Angus Lamb
John Lamb
Alex Lambert
Christopher Lambert
Daniel Lambert
Edward Lambert
William Lambert
Ian Lamplough
Charlie Lamport-Went
James Lancaster
Marley Lancaster
Paul Lancaster
Sean Lancaster
Charles Lanceley
Thomas Land
Paul Landers
Robin Landi
Andrew Landon
Mick Lane
Allan Lang
Patrick Langdon
Steve Langdon
Jamal Langley
Anthony Langridge
S Roland Langridge
Thomas Langton-Lockton
David Lankes
John Lanning
Alan Lansbury
Jean Pascal Laperotine
Terry Lapins
Alfie Larkin
Adam Larner
Christopher Larner
Andrew Lassetter
Nathan Latigo
Alexander Lattimer
Andrew Laughton
Ibrahim Laval
Joe Lavender
Paul Lavender
Adedeji Lawal
Jahziah Lawal-Balogun
Jak Lawler
Andrew Lawrence
Dane Lawrence
Gavin Lawrence
Joel Lawrence
Joe Lawrence
Joe Lawrence
Keith Lawrence
Luke Lawrence
Matthew Lawrence
Victor Lawrence-John
Michael Laws
William Laws
Confidence Lawson
Gideon Lawson
Harry Lawson
James Lawson
Carl Lawton
Christopher Lawton
Martin Lay
Gary Laybourne
Andrew Layfield
Lewis Laylee
Chris Lazenby
Ashley Leach
Thomas Leacock
Zach Leacock
Sean Leahy
Simon Leary
Oliver Leatherdale
Daniel Lecoutre
Jonny Lecoutre
Philip Ledger
Anthony Ledwidge
Alan Lee
Christian Lee
Daniel Lee
Evan Lee
Jack Lee
John Lee
Joshua Lee
Kenneth Lee
Peter Lee
Simon Lee
Thomas Lee
Joshua Lee-Baum
Troy Lee-Edmunds
Sean Lee-Rice
Ryan Lees
Dominik Leeson
Matteo Leforestier
James Leigh
John Leigh
Joseph Leigh
Mark Leitch
Vincent Leitch
James Lelliott
Alex Lennon
Andrew Lenon
Max Leon
Colin Leonard
James Leslie
Matthew Leslie
Joshua Lessey
Gordon Lester
Rikkie Letch
Freddie Lett
James Lett
Marcus Levett
Dan Levine
Noel Levy
David Lewin
Bradley Lewis
Dylan Lewis
Gabriel Lewis
Gareth Lewis
Gusie Lewis
Gus Lewis
Ian Lewis
S James Lewis
James Lewis
Jonathan Lewis
Jordan Lewis
Leslie Charles Lewis
Malachi Lewis
Morgan Lewis
Nathan Lewis
Nicholas Lewis
Owen Lewis
Paul Lewis
Ryan Lewis
Simon Lewis
Theo Lewis
Myles Lewis-Berryman
Daniel Lewis-James
Diego Leyenda
Andrew Leyland
Reuben Leyland
Theo Liasides
Felix Liddle
Joshua Liddle
Ryan Liddle
Brendon Liew
Albert Thomas Liffen
Nicholas Lightfoot
Palmyre Ligue
Peter Lill
Neil Lincoln
Hopeton Lindo
Jermaine Lindo
Kennoy Lindsay
Matthew Lindsay
Robert Alexander Lindsay
Trey Lindsay
Mark Lindsay-Bayley
Peter Lindsell
Mats Lindstrom
Terry Lines
Thomas Lines
Roger Linscer
Sam Linsley
Lee Lintern
Gary Linton
James Frederick Lintott
Diego Lister
Robert Litchfield
Max Little
Peter Littlemore
David Littlewood
Mathew Liu
Harry Livesey
Thomas Living
Andre Livingston
Jason Livingston
Oliver Livingstone
Tim Livingstone
John Anthony Llewellyn
Trevor Huw Llewelyn
Edgar William Lloyd
Lewis Lloyd
Martin Lloyd
Michael Lloyd
Norman Lloyd
Peter Lloyd
Sam Lloyd
Seb Lloyd
Harry Lloyd-Gardner
Alexander Lloyd-Jones
Joshua Loach
Jason Loewenthal
Alex Loftus
Geordie Logan
Ian D. Logan
Nicholas Logan
Pat Logan
Andrew Lomax
Bryan Long
Jonathan Long
Marlies Long
Sam Long
Sam Long
Toby Long
Ryan Longman
Joe Lorenzo
Maximilian Lorke
Brian Loten
Oscar Loughlin
Charles Lound
Nicholas Lovatt
Freddie Loveday
Phil Lovell
Jake Lowe
Kieran Lowe
Tyrese Lowe
James Lowery (1980)
James Lowery (1981)
William Ernest Lucas
Carmol Lucas
Patrick Lucas
William Lucas
Matthew Lucht
Jordan Lucky
Arlo Ludewick
Jan Luitz
Daniel Luke
Nathan Lukeca-Latigo
Aleksander Lula
Bernie Lumor
Luca Lupi
Mikael Lurot
Charlie Luscombe
Michael Lusty
Ricky Lutakome
Isaac Lutaya
Raphi Lutier
Ciaran Lyas
Peter Lyle
Elijah Lyle-Vidal
Kegan Lymn
Stephen Lynch
Alex Lyne (E&E)
Alex Lyne (SLH)
James Lyne
Joseph Lyne
Barrie Lynn
Benjamin Lynn
Adam Lyons
Peter Lyons
Terry Lyszyk

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