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Today's Date: 3 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Russell S Dacosta
Dominic Saban
James Sacha
Nikola Sachariew
Elliot Safo
Nathan Safo-Barnieh
Tim Sagar
Ian Sage
Stephen Sage
Toby Saiban
Umaru Saidu
Robert Sakala
George-Samuel Sakyi-Obimpeh
Adedeji Salako
Ayo Salako
Ifetobi Salako
Raymond Salami
Imran Salim
Jacob Salmen
Micah Salmon
Paul Salmon
Sean Salter
Darren Sam
Jack Sam
Shivram Samant
Yahya Samara
Steven Sammut
Bentley Sampson
Jack Samuel
Segun Samuel
Jon Sanders
Nick Sanders
Paul Sanders
John Sanderson
Charlie Sandford
Robin Sandford
Roy Sandford
Malo Sandow
Joseph Sandri Durban
George Sandy
Trevor Sanjiv
Raj Sankaran
Moyo Sankofa
Henry Santamaria
Akash Santosh Kumar
Eric Sapac
Teemu Sara-Aho
Luke Sargeant
Joshua Sarkodee
George Sarkodie
Andrew Sarpong
Geoffrey Saul
Hugh Saunders
James Saunderson
Jasyn Savage
Steven Savile
Tommy Savile
Ben Savill
Finlay Savill
Ross Savill
Edward (Ted) Sawkins
Ben Saxby
Carl Sayer
Edward Saywell
Akil Scafe Smith
Rhodri Scanlon
Robert Scantlebury
Zac Scerri
Zak Scerri
Gerald Schmidt
William Schneider
Kieran Schofield
Sam Schofield
Frank Schubert
Nikolaj Schubert
Markos Schuchinsky
Joseph Schull
Ocean Schwartz
Keith Scofield
Vernon Scopes
Anthony Scott
Chris Scott
Craig Scott
David Scott
Ethan Scott
Martin Scott
Rafe Scott
Ola Scott-Boyle
Aaron Scovell
Cormac Scully-King
Adam Seabury
Joseph Seal
Shanpy Sealy
Daniel Searle
Ethan Sears
Luke Sears
Aidan Searyoh
Graham Seatter
Dominic Sebele
Tom Seecharan
Ayomide Segun
Damilola Segun
Peter Selby
Alastair Sell
Nathan Sellick
Daniel Sellman
Kareem Selman-Jackson
Arthur Wakefield Selwyn
Joshua Sematimba
Luke Semikin
Reiss Senior
Michael Serra
David Serrant
Olivier Serviable
Alie Sesay
Robert Setti
Alan Sexton
Mark Sexton
Richard Sexton
Gideon Sey
Marvin Seymour
Darryl Shakes
Ethan Shakespeare-Richards
Gerrard Shannon
Marcus Shantry
James Share
Abraham Sharif
Jamarion Sharmah
David Sharman
James Sharman
George Sharp
Matthew Sharp
Maurice Sharp
Jeremy Sharpe
Jerome Sharpe
Nick Sharpe
Richard Sharpe
Ben Sharples
Finley Shaughnessy
Brian Shave
Allan Shaw
Andrew Shaw
David Shaw
Duncan Shaw
Graham Shaw
Jamie Shaw
John Shaw
Jordan Shaw
Leo Shaw
Samuel Shaw
Warren Sheckleford
Cyrus Sheikh
Tariq Sheikh
Denis Shekerdzhiev
Charlie Shelbourne
Andrew Shepherd
Ben Shepherd
Brian Shepherd
Daniel Shepherd
Daniel Shepherd
John Shepherd
Paul Shepherd
Daniel Sheppard
Darryl Sheppard
Ian Sheppard
Kevin Sheppard
Oliver Sheppard
Samuel Sheppard
Samuel Sherlock
John Sherrington
Adam Shew
Hugh Shields
Charlie Shinn
Edward Shinn
Henry Shiplee
Clive Shippen
Mark Shippen
George Shipton
Eric Shirley
Simon Shirley
Philip Shishmanian
Jacob Shkeir
Peter Shodipe
Khiani Shombe
Antony Shone
Frank Shons
Ben Shore
Martin Shore
Sam Shore
Edwin Albert Short
Anthony Shrimpton
Jack Shurn
Matthew Shute
Kweku Siaw
Stefan Siba
Robert Sibley
Daniel Siefers
David Sigerson
Ewan Silander
Shaun Silander
Luciano Silano
Arthur Silbery
Sheriff Silly
Geoffrey Silman
Henry Silverstein
David Simmonds
George Simmonds
Steven Simmonds
Dhruv Simmonite
Dedan Simmons
Gavin Simmons
Richard Simmons
Bradley Simms
Neil Simms
Tyler Simms
Piers Spencer-Simms
Dushane Simon
Sylvester Simon
Andy Simpson
Daniel Simpson
David Simpson
Freddie Simpson
Harry Simpson
Jack Simpson
Jason Simpson
Keith Simpson
Stanley Simpson
Thomas Simpson
Stephen Simson
Christopher Sinclair
Euan Sinclair
Kenrick Sinclair
Mark Sinclair
Michael Sinclair
Peter Sinclair
Sheyon Sinclair
Tim Sinclair
Gus Singer
Tom Singhgolden
Paul Singleton
Harry Sinnett
Oscar Sinnett
Santhoash Sivakumar
Vamzi Sivanathan
James Skeet
Tim Skelton
James Skilbeck-Nelson
Charlie Skilton
Theodore Skinner
Mark Skrzypczyk
Andrew Slaughter
Daniel Slaven
Michael Slavin
Ronald Sleigh
Frederick Slemeck
Tom Slimming
Brian Slocombe
Sam Sloman
Mark Slowikowski
Leroy Slue
Christopher Smale
Jack Small
Michael Small
David Smallbone
Robert Smallcombe
Joshua Smalley
Mike Smalley
Nathan Smallworth
Richard Smeaton
Jack Smillie
Andrei Smirnov
Aaron Smith
Alaster Smith
Alfie Smith
Ashley Smith
Bruce Smith
Cameron Smith (Croy)
Cameron Smith (DMV)
Charles Smith
Charlie Smith (Holl Sp)
Charlie Smith (Woking)
Christopher Smith
Darren Smith
Dwyte Smith
Gerald Smith
Graham Smith
Harry Smith
Henry Smith
Jordan Smith
Justin Wesley Smith
Kenneth Smith
Ken Smith
Leon Smith
Levy Smith
Lloyd Smith
Luke Smith
Marc Smith
Martin Smith
Matthew Smith
Matty Smith
Maxwell Smith
Nathaniel Smith
Nathan Smith
Nicholas David Smith
Oliver Smith
Rikaion Smith
Robert Smith
Ronald Smith
Ryan Smith
Sebastian Smith
Senan Smith
Stephen Smith
Steve Smith
Theo Smith
Thomas Smith
Wayne Smith
William Smith
Jordan Smith-Bent
Dominic Smith-Fray
Iain Smith-Gillespie
Louis Smithen
Max Smithson
Douglas Smullen
Stephen Smullen
Anthony Smyth
James Smyth
Marc Snaith
Finn Snow
Robert Snow
Scott Snow
Ben Snowball
Anthony Soalla-Bell
Luca Soave
Roel Sodusta
Oladunni Soeta
Akash Sohal
Oore Sokoya
Jon Solly
Ivan Solomakhin
Marcus Solomon
Tom Solomon
Michael Solomons
Jacob Solon
Richard Somers
Ewan Somerville
Tom Sommerfelt
Sam Sommerville
Ewan Sone
Ben Sopta-Sheldrake
Didier Sorel
Oliver Sossick
Tobi Sotubo
Michael Soubry
Giacomo Spagnoli
Robert Spalding
David Sparshott
Alexander Spaul
Harry Spawforth
Alfie Spear
Finley Spear
Max Spear
Nicholas Spence
Dylan Spencer
James Spencer
Jeffrey Spencer
Joshua Spencer
Samuel Spencer
Sydney Albert Spencer
Toby Spencer
John Spillane
Philip Spivey
John Spooner
Anthony Spratt
Andrew Spring
Lloyd Sproule
Tim Sprules
Jonathon Squirrell
Keeran Sriskandarajah
Adam Ssali
Sufian Ssali
Noah St. Cyr
Micah St. James
Tony St. Leger
Brett St. Louis
Michael St. Louis
Paul Godwin Stableforth
Oscar Stables
Paul Stables
Jacob Stadie
Jake Stadie
Edmund Stahl
Gary Staines
Thomas Staines
Harvey Stainthorpe
Phil Stamp
Ben Standage
Nathan Standing
Milan Stanisavljevic
Nick Stanisavljevic
Joseph Stanley
Matthew Stanley
Antony Stanley-Clarke
Ben Stanton
Richard Stanton
Peter Stanyard
Jordan Staples
Oyiss Staples
Will Stapleton
Samuel Stapley
Cameron Starr
Stephen Starvis
Andy Statham
Dan Statham
James Staton
Andrew Statter
David Statter
Ian Statter
Francis Staunton
Jonathan Stead
Christopher Stebbings
Frederick Stebbings
Rory Steele
Matt Steer
Myles Stegner
Zygmunt Stegner
Dominic Steiert
Samuel Stein
Callum Stephens
David Stephens
Benjamin Stephenson
Joseph Stephenson
Marvin Stephenson
Chris Stevens
Jaden Stevens
Julian Stevens
Kyle Stevens
Richard Stevens
Luke Stevens-Cox
Jack Stevenson
Peter Stevenson
Matthew Stevenson-Webber
Alaster Stewart
Callum Stewart (Belgrave)
Callum Stewart (Walton)
Alfie Stickler
Henry Stiff
Keith Frank Stock
Martin Stock
Fergus Stoddart
Michael Stokely
George Stokes
Daniel Stone
Darel Stone
Gryffin Stone
Liam Stone
Matthew Stone
Nathan Stone
Tom Stone
Ron Stonehouse
George Storey
Thomas Stottor
Marcus Stoute
John Stow
Jack Stracey
Angus Strachan
John Strachan
Matthew Stratford
Rory Stratford
Gary Stratton
Kit Streek
Benjy Street
Daniel Street
Duncan Street
Joshua Street
Kit Street
Ralph Street
Sam Street
Tom Street
Tom Street
Shane Streeter
Keagan Stricker-Timmermans
Martin Stringer
Ian Strong
Kevin Stroud
Hector Stroud-Arzua
Raheem Stroude-McLean
David Strudwick
Ryan Strudwick
Sam Stuart
Richard Sturdy
Kevin Sturman
Samuel Sturmer
Oscar Subuh-Symons
George Sudderick
Harry Sugden
Henry Suggitt
Benjamin Sugunle
Jamal Suleiman
Craig Sullivan
John Sullivan
Lee Sullivan
Lewis Sullivan
Amir Sultan-Edwards
Benjamin Sumner
Martin Sunderland
Henry Sutcliffe
James Sutcliffe
Andre Sutherland
Colin Sutherland
Ricardo Sutherland
Noel Sutton
Peter Sutton
Robert Sutton
William Sutton
David Swain
Matthew Swain
Jack Swallow
Matthew Swan
Chris Sweeney
Dylan Sweet
John Swift
Shazaan Syed
Aidan Syers
Ryan Symington
Tom Symmonds
Ben Symons
Ronald Symons
Thomas Symons
Markus Syyrila
Tuomas Syyrila
Luca Szalai
Matthew Szepietowski
Wladeck Szwoch

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