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Today's Date: 3 July 2024

You can display the performances of past and present Surrey athletes at County Championships; Inter-County Matches and Major International Championships plus their annual best performances as shown in the County Track & Field ranking lists and any County Records they have set.
Their names are listed below in alphabetical order of their family name. The names are grouped by the initial letter. Only those athletes whose dates of birth are known are shown. If an athlete has competed in Surrey championships but they are not shown it is likely to be because we have not been provided with their date of birth.
Because of the number of athletes contained in the database the search has been split between Males & Females. The first row of letters, with a red background, are Females and the second row, with a blue background, are Males. The list of names beneath also has the corresponding background colour.


Ruben Tabares
Sarah Tabatabai
Abel Tesfalem Tadesse
Kassa Tadesse
Ben Taggart
Steve Tait
Laurie Taitt
Sam Talbot
Kristian Taylor
Robbie Tambling
David Tank
James Taplin
Wayne Tarquini
Justin Tarrant
Joseph Tassell
Ben Tatters
Joshua Tatters
Nick Tauwhare
John Tayleur
Adam Taylor
Andrew Taylor
Christopher Taylor
Christopher Taylor
David Taylor
Dylan Taylor
Finn Taylor
Graham Taylor
Harrison Taylor
Henry Taylor
Jacob Taylor
James Taylor
Joshua Taylor
Leslie Taylor
Michael Taylor
Richard Taylor
Robert Taylor
Ron Taylor
Samson Taylor
Stuart Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Tim Taylor
Tommy Taylor
William Taylor
William Taylor
Xavier Taylor
Marvin Tchangwa
Barrie Teahan
Adam Teale
Nicholas Tearle
Kamil Tejan-Cole
Shiden Tekle
Taras Telkovsky
Tyrese Tendo
Luke Tennyson
Mark Tennyson
Merhawi Tesfaldet
Ian Tesh
Daniel Thackeray
George Thatcher
Ivan Thellusson
Alexander Thomas
Alfie Thomas
Andrew Thomas
Armani Thomas
Barry Thomas
Clive Thomas
Connor Thomas
Daryl Thomas
David Thomas
Emmanuel Thomas
Everette Thomas
George Thomas
George Thomas
Henry Thomas
Jacob Thomas
James Thomas
Jonathan Thomas
Josephus Thomas
Joseph Thomas
Matthew Thomas
Nick Thomas
Nigel Thomas
Owen Thomas
Phil Thomas
Phillip Thomas
Rowan Thomas
Rushane Thomas
Ryan Thomas
Scott Thomas
Teyi Thomas
Vaughan Thomas
Zach Thomas
Andre Thomas-Richards
Khailil Thomas-Whilby
Adam Thompson
Alex Thompson
Charlie Thompson
Daniel Thompson
Darren Thompson
Elliot Thompson
Joshua Thompson
Kevin Thompson
Luke Thompson
Robert Thompson
Saul Thompson
Solomon Thompson Moodley
Alec Thomson
Lyndon Thomson
Robbie Thomson
Tad Thorburn
Peter Thorn
Andrew Thornbank
Thomas Thorne
Joseph Thorneloe
John Thorner
Joseph Thorneywork
Jack Thoroughgood
Andris Thorpe
Jon Thorpe
Christopher Threadgold
Jack Threadgold
Matthew Threadgold
John Thresher
Richard Tibbott
James Tidd
Wes Tilbury
Charlie Till
Neil Tilley
Marc Tillotson
Anthony Tilney
Joe Timba
Craig Timmings
Beaux Timmins-Martin
Howard Timms
Oliver Timms
Rhys Timms
Bradley Timson
James Timson
Matt Timson
Andrew Tindall
Ben Tinker
Alex Tischler
Kia'a Tizard-Varcoe
James Tizzard
Ka-Hunt To
Ko Chuen To
Callum Tod
Callum Todd
Peter Todd
Ross Todd
Sam Todd
Bekele Tola
Morris Tolaram
Adam Tolefree
Matthew Tolefree
Benjamin Tomkins
Michael Tomkins
Kwame Tomlin
William Tomlins
Sediik Tong
Benjamin Toomer
Joe Toomey
Ricky Toomey
Zac Topping
Jim Torpey
Nicholas Torry
George Tovey
Richard Towndrow
Charlie Townend
Frank Townley
Michael Townley
Robert Townley
John Towse
Thomas Tracey
David Travis
Euan Traynor
Elliott Treadwell
Michael Treadwell
Bob Treadwell
Alan Treanor
Mike Trees
Tommy Trees
William Treharne
Kyle Treherne
William Treherne
William Trimble
George Trimm
Liam Trinidad
Barry Tristram
Edward Trotman
Martin Trotman
Cassius Trotman-Wilson
Danny Trowell
Jack Trowell
Billy Truman
Kyal-Trei Truong-Clarke
James Trustram Eve
Ryan Tsai
Amanuel Tshaye
Michael Tshibola
Samuel Tsolo
Terence Tsui
Takunda Tsvakayi
Michael Tubb
Graham Tuck
Grenville Tuck
Dennis Tucker
Guy Tucker
Harry Tuckman
Ben Tudor
James Tudor
Robert Tuer
Andreas Tulande
Ian Tullett
Graham Tungate
Samuele Turata
Elliott Turbin
Charlie Turner
Clayton Turner
Don Turner
Ed Turner
Lee Turner
Noah Turner
Patrick Turner
Richard Turner
Sam Turner
Michael Turvey
Matthew Tweed
David Twerdochlib
Christopher Tye-Walker
Tony Tymms
George Tymms
Oscar Tyrrell
AJ Tyson

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