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Surrey County Road Relay Championships 1982 - 1983

Mens Road Relays, Brockwell Park - 11 September 1982

Boys 4 x 1¾ miles

 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4
1Aldershot, Farnham & District AC 33:56 RECORDG Matlock (3)08:49Chris Payne (1)08:17A Moffatt (1)08:20M Jones (1)08:30
2Mitcham AC 35:59A Brennan (1)08:41G Adams (2)08:57Simon Maynard (2)09:19P Brown (2)09:02
3Epsom & Ewell Harriers 36:06S Holmes (5)09:05D Nedadoo (6)09:38P Lalsing (4)08:40R Collinson (3)08:43
4Ranelagh Harriers 36:20J Rabbetts (4)09:01V Scammell (5)09:20D Mallinson (5)09:12A Watts (4)08:47
5Herne Hill Harriers 36:37Andrew Bate (2)08:43D Corcoran (3)09:19M Thomas (3)08:57D Cole (5)09:38
-Aldershot, Farnham & District AC 'B' *37:36N Thackeray (6)09:14S Seerley (4)08:51J Grey (6)10:02M Jakes (6)09:29
6Camberley & District AC 38:05C Newman (8)09:27I Thompson (11)10:11R Massey (8)09:25Steve Denham (7)09:02
7South London Harriers 38:14T Basley (9)09:28M Price (7)09:37D Rowlands (7)09:32J Simpson (8)09:37
8Hercules Wimbledon AC 39:26S Ringrow (16)10:12J Hallifax (14)10:14J Booth (10)09:43H Buttle (9)09:17
9Belgrave Harriers 39:44R Addison (7)09:26J Neillis (8)09:50A Webb (11)11:00J Biesly (10)09:28
-Mitcham AC 'B' *40:16A Storey (10)09:41M Baker (10)09:54Simon Fairbrother (12)10:42D Masters (11)09:59
-Epsom & Ewell Harriers 'B' *40:28G Bolton (14)09:51J Roberts (9)09:41I Cracknell (9)10:28R Wood (12)10:28
10Croydon Harriers 40:34D Maloney (13)09:50T Fegent (12)10:24Gordon Bowerman (13)10:20Chris Carter (13)10:00
11Dunraven School 41:24D Ruparelia (11)09:45S Patrick (13)10:39M Pavey (14)10:51N Matteson (14)10:09
-Croydon Harriers 'B' *DNFB Hills (18)10:50G Edwards (16)10:50R Nashr (15)11:26
-Camberley & District AC 'B' *DNFI Chick (17)10:28S Parish (15)10:36
-Herne Hill Harriers 'B' *DNFF Green (12)09:48D Baillie (17)13:44
-Croydon Harriers 'C' *DNFDouglas Crooke (15)10:10
-Dunraven School 'B' *DNFM Headlem (19)12:40

The number in brackets after an athlete's name is the team's position at the end of the stage.

Athletes and Teams shown with an * are non-scoring.

Individual Stage Times
Chris Payne AldershotF&D08:17
A Moffatt AldershotF&D08:20
M Jones AldershotF&D08:30
P Lalsing Epsom & Ewell08:40
A Brennan Mitcham AC08:41
Andrew Bate Herne Hill H08:43
R Collinson Epsom & Ewell08:43
A Watts Ranelagh H08:47
G Matlock AldershotF&D08:49
S Seerley AldershotF&D08:51
G Adams Mitcham AC08:57
M Thomas Herne Hill H08:57
J Rabbetts Ranelagh H09:01
P Brown Mitcham AC09:02
Steve Denham Camberley&Dist09:02
S Holmes Epsom & Ewell09:05
D Mallinson Ranelagh H09:12
N Thackeray AldershotF&D09:14
H Buttle HerculesWimb09:17
D Corcoran Herne Hill H09:19
Simon Maynard Mitcham AC09:19
V Scammell Ranelagh H09:20
R Massey Camberley&Dist09:25
R Addison Belgrave H09:26
C Newman Camberley&Dist09:27
T Basley South London09:28
J Biesly Belgrave H09:28
M Jakes AldershotF&D09:29
D Rowlands South London09:32
M Price South London09:37
J Simpson South London09:37
D Nedadoo Epsom & Ewell09:38
D Cole Herne Hill H09:38
A Storey Mitcham AC09:41
J Roberts Epsom & Ewell09:41
J Booth HerculesWimb09:43
D Ruparelia Dunraven School09:45
F Green Herne Hill H09:48
D Maloney Croydon H09:50
J Neillis Belgrave H09:50
G Bolton Epsom & Ewell09:51
M Baker Mitcham AC09:54
D Masters Mitcham AC09:59
Chris Carter Croydon H10:00
J Grey AldershotF&D10:02
N Matteson Dunraven School10:09
Douglas Crooke Croydon H10:10
I Thompson Camberley&Dist10:11
S Ringrow HerculesWimb10:12
J Hallifax HerculesWimb10:14
Gordon Bowerman Croydon H10:20
T Fegent Croydon H10:24
I Chick Camberley&Dist10:28
I Cracknell Epsom & Ewell10:28
R Wood Epsom & Ewell10:28
S Parish Camberley&Dist10:36
S Patrick Dunraven School10:39
Simon Fairbrother Mitcham AC10:42
B Hills Croydon H10:50
G Edwards Croydon H10:50
M Pavey Dunraven School10:51
A Webb Belgrave H11:00
R Nashr Croydon H11:26
M Headlem Dunraven School12:40
D Baillie Herne Hill H13:44
Athletes in this age group were either 14 or 15 years of age on 31st August 1982.
Athletes who were 15 on 31st August would be classified as Under-17 using the current BAF age groups.
Clubs were permitted to run more than one team provided that only one team scores in the County Championship.
All other teams (designated B or C etc) would be non-scoring.
Each member of a scoring team must have a current County Qualification.
Any athletes without a current County Qualification must be a member of a non-scoring team.

E&OE. If you know of any errors or omissions then please advise Webmaster.