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Surrey County Road Relay Championships 2005 - 2006

Surrey Road Relays, Wimbledon - 10 September 2005

SM 6 x 3 Miles

 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6
1South London Harriers 'A' 01:34:55Paul Canavan (2)15:25David Baker (3)16:20J Simpson (1)15:23Robbie James (1)15:30Tim Chidgey (1)17:06Stuart Major (1)15:11
2Belgrave Harriers 'A' 01:36:50L Greatorex (4)15:52Will Cockerell (2)15:45Knut Hegvold (2)15:54T Ellacott (2)16:13Mark Humphrey (3)16:55J Browne (2)16:11
-Thames Hare & Hounds 'B' *01:40:31C Hughes (5)15:52J Cant (1)15:43Larry Matthews (3)16:25Andy Weir *(3)16:05Simon Wurr (2)16:10A Irvine (3)20:16
3Guildford & Godalming AC 'A' 01:42:02Mark Tennyson (7)16:08P Stacey (4)16:12I Durrant (6)17:45B O'Kane (6)18:07Michael Goatley (4)17:19B Brennan (4)16:31
4Thames Hare & Hounds 'A' 01:42:15Andy Weir (3)15:40Tim Nightingale (9)18:42Nic Gould (8)16:26D Pescod (7)19:06David Symons (5)15:42T Beer (5)16:39
5Ranelagh Harriers 'A' 01:42:31Mark Middleton (9)16:29Phil Killingley (6)16:04Ed Barker (7)17:46Pete Weir (5)17:35A McLaughlan (6)18:03Duncan Bell (6)16:34
6Reigate Priory AC 'A' 01:44:23G Lawrence (18)18:46Alister Moses (10)15:47Andrew Taylor (10)17:38Mark Palmer (8)17:56Tom Dew (7)16:42Andrew Walker (7)17:34
7Wimbledon Windmilers 'A' 01:46:16M Daniels (12)17:11Nick Wood (11)17:52Vince Ting (12)18:02C Nicholson (9)17:45R Charley (9)18:01M Rabbetts (8)17:25
8South London Harriers 'B' 01:46:45Mark Burtwell (13)17:35S Atkins (14)18:37L Morgan (11)16:21D Hockaday (12)19:32B Corr (10)18:08Francis Staunton (9)16:32
-Herne Hill Harriers 'A' *01:47:08Simon Coombs (8)16:10T Aslam (8)16:58J King (5)16:14J Ward (4)18:24Ben Halifax (8)19:43Deron Fagan (10)19:39
-Belgrave Harriers 'B' *01:48:01Jason Webb (10)16:35T Weeks (7)16:29T Watt (9)18:09S Baxendale (10)20:14Harry Corbett (13)19:55T Weeks *(11)16:39
9Hercules Wimbledon AC 'A' 01:49:22S Crummy (19)19:18Alex Bodin (13)16:44D Bodin (13)18:20J Bodin (13)18:22Peter Lee (11)18:01Neil Frazer (12)18:37
10Dorking & Mole Valley AC 'A' 01:49:33S Beardsall (6)16:05Nick Hodges (5)16:17T Elsey (4)16:38T Haines (11)22:48R Underwood (12)19:17Bruce Harold (13)18:28
-Wimbledon Windmilers 'B' *01:56:25Neil Guthrie (16)18:17R Payne (19)22:07W Mason (18)20:26Mike Forder (18)19:37Nick Wood *(17)17:56Dave Bell (14)18:02
11Epsom Oddballs 01:56:52Josh Hart (11)17:01G Turpie (12)18:44M Goodwin (14)19:03A Milton (15)20:05R Rendall (15)21:40Graeme Brown (15)20:19
12Ranelagh Harriers 'B' 01:57:14J Atkinson (15)18:09Phil Aiken (16)19:02N Andersen (16)21:16J Rowan (17)19:50Marc Snaith (16)19:05Andrew Morris (16)19:52
-Ranelagh Harriers 'C' *01:57:54D Wood (20)19:30C Camacho (20)21:17N Walford (17)18:07Phil Killingley *(16)17:12Phil Aiken *(14)19:52N Andersen *(17)21:56
13Striders of Croydon 02:03:29A Aronberg (17)18:35G Smith (18)21:21T Littlewood (20)22:09Neil Furze (19)19:28J Mason (18)19:45S Smith (18)22:11
-Croydon Harriers *02:05:27Keith Brown (21)19:54M Elsworthy (21)21:13Martin Rowe (19)20:34Keith Brown *(20)20:51M Elsworthy *(19)21:36Martin Rowe *(19)21:19
-Hercules Wimbledon AC 'B' DNFI Horrocks (1)15:24Tim Bartley (15)21:20B White (15)18:57L Jones (14)17:57
-Guildford & Godalming AC 'B' *DNFJon Earnshaw (14)17:44Ed Baynard Smith (17)20:50
-South London Harriers 'C' *DNFA Akiwumi (22)21:13W Parry (22)20:47

The number in brackets after an athlete's name is the team's position at the end of the stage.

Athletes and Teams shown with an * are non-scoring.

Individual Stage Times
Stuart Major South London15:11
J Simpson South London15:23
I Horrocks HerculesWimb15:24
Paul Canavan South London15:25
Robbie James South London15:30
Andy Weir Thames H&H15:40
David Symons Thames H&H15:42
J Cant Thames H&H15:43
Will Cockerell Belgrave H15:45
Alister Moses Reigate Priory15:47
L Greatorex Belgrave H15:52
C Hughes Thames H&H15:52
Knut Hegvold Belgrave H15:54
Phil Killingley Ranelagh H16:04
S Beardsall DorkingMV16:05
Andy Weir *Thames H&H16:05
Mark Tennyson Guildford&G16:08
Simon Coombs Herne Hill H16:10
Simon Wurr Thames H&H16:10
J Browne Belgrave H16:11
P Stacey Guildford&G16:12
T Ellacott Belgrave H16:13
J King Herne Hill H16:14
Nick Hodges DorkingMV16:17
David Baker South London16:20
L Morgan South London16:21
Larry Matthews Thames H&H16:25
Nic Gould Thames H&H16:26
Mark Middleton Ranelagh H16:29
T Weeks Belgrave H16:29
B Brennan Guildford&G16:31
Francis Staunton South London16:32
Duncan Bell Ranelagh H16:34
Jason Webb Belgrave H16:35
T Elsey DorkingMV16:38
T Weeks *Belgrave H16:39
T Beer Thames H&H16:39
Tom Dew Reigate Priory16:42
Alex Bodin HerculesWimb16:44
Mark Humphrey Belgrave H16:55
T Aslam Herne Hill H16:58
Josh Hart Eps Oddballs17:01
Tim Chidgey South London17:06
M Daniels Wimbledon W17:11
Phil Killingley *Ranelagh H17:12
Michael Goatley Guildford&G17:19
M Rabbetts Wimbledon W17:25
Andrew Walker Reigate Priory17:34
Mark Burtwell South London17:35
Pete Weir Ranelagh H17:35
Andrew Taylor Reigate Priory17:38
Jon Earnshaw Guildford&G17:44
I Durrant Guildford&G17:45
C Nicholson Wimbledon W17:45
Ed Barker Ranelagh H17:46
Nick Wood Wimbledon W17:52
Mark Palmer Reigate Priory17:56
Nick Wood *Wimbledon W17:56
L Jones HerculesWimb17:57
Peter Lee HerculesWimb18:01
R Charley Wimbledon W18:01
Vince Ting Wimbledon W18:02
Dave Bell Wimbledon W18:02
A McLaughlan Ranelagh H18:03
N Walford Ranelagh H18:07
B O'Kane Guildford&G18:07
B Corr South London18:08
J Atkinson Ranelagh H18:09
T Watt Belgrave H18:09
Neil Guthrie Wimbledon W18:17
D Bodin HerculesWimb18:20
J Bodin HerculesWimb18:22
J Ward Herne Hill H18:24
Bruce Harold DorkingMV18:28
A Aronberg StridersCroy18:35
S Atkins South London18:37
Neil Frazer HerculesWimb18:37
Tim Nightingale Thames H&H18:42
G Turpie Eps Oddballs18:44
G Lawrence Reigate Priory18:46
B White HerculesWimb18:57
Phil Aiken Ranelagh H19:02
M Goodwin Eps Oddballs19:03
Marc Snaith Ranelagh H19:05
D Pescod Thames H&H19:06
R Underwood DorkingMV19:17
S Crummy HerculesWimb19:18
Neil Furze StridersCroy19:28
D Wood Ranelagh H19:30
D Hockaday South London19:32
Mike Forder Wimbledon W19:37
Deron Fagan Herne Hill H19:39
Ben Halifax Herne Hill H19:43
J Mason StridersCroy19:45
J Rowan Ranelagh H19:50
Phil Aiken *Ranelagh H19:52
Andrew Morris Ranelagh H19:52
Keith Brown Croydon H19:54
Harry Corbett Belgrave H19:55
A Milton Eps Oddballs20:05
S Baxendale Belgrave H20:14
A Irvine Thames H&H20:16
Graeme Brown Eps Oddballs20:19
W Mason Wimbledon W20:26
Martin Rowe Croydon H20:34
W Parry South London20:47
Ed Baynard Smith Guildford&G20:50
Keith Brown *Croydon H20:51
A Akiwumi South London21:13
M Elsworthy Croydon H21:13
N Andersen Ranelagh H21:16
C Camacho Ranelagh H21:17
Martin Rowe *Croydon H21:19
Tim Bartley HerculesWimb21:20
G Smith StridersCroy21:21
M Elsworthy *Croydon H21:36
R Rendall Eps Oddballs21:40
N Andersen *Ranelagh H21:56
R Payne Wimbledon W22:07
T Littlewood StridersCroy22:09
S Smith StridersCroy22:11
T Haines DorkingMV22:48

E&OE. If you know of any errors or omissions then please advise Webmaster.