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Todays Date: 03 Jul 2024
Surrey County Road Relay Championships 2022 - 2023

Road Relays, Wimbledon - 18 September 2022

Senior Men

 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6
1South London Harriers A 01:26:33Gary Laybourne (2)14:03Ollie Garrod (1)14:15James Lyne (1)14:28Jacob Taylor (2)14:53Paul Bailey (1)14:53Tom Higgs (1)14:01
2Hercules Wimbledon AC A 01:27:05Andrew Penney (1)13:54Joe Croft (2)14:49Finn Johnson (2)14:26George Mallett (1)14:25Richard McDowell (2)15:03Edward Mallett (2)14:28
3Guildford & Godalming AC A 01:29:16George Dollner (7)14:57Callum Job (6)15:06Harry Springall (5)15:28Andy Coley-Maud (3)13:58Matt McDaniel (3)14:42James Harvey (3)15:05
4Belgrave Harriers A 01:29:31Jonathan Neville (6)14:40Conall McNally (3)14:51Rob Kelly (3)15:39Nick Buckle (4)14:54Sam Sommerville (4)14:53Steve Gardner (4)14:34
5Herne Hill Harriers A 01:34:33Angus Butner (5)14:38Ryan Willmott (5)15:18Jeff Cunningham (4)15:26Tom Irish (5)16:10John Key (6)17:02Seve Loudon (5)15:59
6Croydon Harriers A 01:34:53Alex Penfold (9)16:16Patrick Lucas (8)15:46Peter Chambers (6)13:55Isaac Flanagan (6)15:59Douglas Aikman (5)16:21Matt Shires (6)16:36
7Striders of Croydon A 01:37:46James Rhodes (10)16:29Andrew Aitken (10)16:18Tatsuya Okamoto (10)16:02Martin Filer (9)16:43Harry Madgwick-Lawton (9)16:28Philip Coales (7)15:46
8Hercules Wimbledon AC B 01:38:24Don Cliffe (3)14:19David Grima (7)17:04Liam White (8)16:17Simon Woodley (11)19:06Hector Revill (11)17:10Dan Cliffe (8)14:28
9Belgrave Harriers B 01:39:03Craig Ruddy (13)17:01Dave Walsh (11)16:34Luke Pratt (11)16:34Ben Ireland (10)16:25Ben Hurley (10)16:20Alex Janiaud (9)16:09
10South London Harriers B 01:39:42Daryl Cyprien (8)15:21Gavin Englefield (9)16:45Brandan Morrell (9)16:19Alex Lyne (8)15:54Jack Harrison (7)16:56Shaun Cooney (10)18:27
11Thames Hare & Hounds A 01:42:17James Hoad (4)14:27Richard Ollington (4)15:12Simon Barrett (7)16:41Ashley Middlewick (7)17:26Chris Daniels (8)18:11Ian Butler (11)20:20
12Wimbledon Windmilers A 01:48:01Christopher Fitzpatrick (15)17:40Simon Wright (14)16:56Jack Derges (14)18:59Michael Reid (14)18:49Lowendo Stevens (13)18:43Graham Bell (12)16:54
13Croydon Harriers B 01:49:26Henry Butt (16)17:42Ashley George (15)17:06Adam Shew (15)19:03Terry Lapins (15)19:23Sam Dorrans (14)18:24Robert Spalding (13)17:48
14Guildford & Godalming AC B 01:52:01Kay Davies (11)16:33Alex Wilson (13)17:54Chris Coles (13)17:51David Frenshaw (12)18:19Alistair Wilkie (12)18:34Brian O'Kane (14)22:50
15The Stragglers Running Club A 01:52:20Ian Riley (12)16:41Alastair Hall (12)17:35Bert Smith (12)17:22Tom Howarth (13)20:42Richard Goud (15)20:22John Cheal (15)19:38
-Herne Hill Harriers B *01:58:34Tom Foster (14)17:15Caleb Barnes (16)19:31Keith Newton *(16)17:56Ian Strong (16)30:36Deron Fagan (16)17:29George Melville (16)15:47

The number in brackets after an athlete's name is the team's position at the end of the stage.

Athletes and Teams shown with an * are non-scoring.

Individual Stage Times
Andrew Penney HerculesWimb13:54
Peter Chambers Croydon H13:55
Andy Coley-Maud Guildford&G13:58
Tom Higgs South London14:01
Gary Laybourne South London14:03
Ollie Garrod South London14:15
Don Cliffe HerculesWimb14:19
George Mallett HerculesWimb14:25
Finn Johnson HerculesWimb14:26
James Hoad Thames H&H14:27
James Lyne South London14:28
Edward Mallett HerculesWimb14:28
Dan Cliffe HerculesWimb14:28
Steve Gardner Belgrave H14:34
Angus Butner Herne Hill H14:38
Jonathan Neville Belgrave H14:40
Matt McDaniel Guildford&G14:42
Joe Croft HerculesWimb14:49
Conall McNally Belgrave H14:51
Jacob Taylor South London14:53
Sam Sommerville Belgrave H14:53
Paul Bailey South London14:53
Nick Buckle Belgrave H14:54
George Dollner Guildford&G14:57
Richard McDowell HerculesWimb15:03
James Harvey Guildford&G15:05
Callum Job Guildford&G15:06
Richard Ollington Thames H&H15:12
Ryan Willmott Herne Hill H15:18
Daryl Cyprien South London15:21
Jeff Cunningham Herne Hill H15:26
Harry Springall Guildford&G15:28
Rob Kelly Belgrave H15:39
Patrick Lucas Croydon H15:46
Philip Coales StridersCroy15:46
George Melville Herne Hill H15:47
Alex Lyne South London15:54
Isaac Flanagan Croydon H15:59
Seve Loudon Herne Hill H15:59
Tatsuya Okamoto StridersCroy16:02
Alex Janiaud Belgrave H16:09
Tom Irish Herne Hill H16:10
Alex Penfold Croydon H16:16
Liam White HerculesWimb16:17
Andrew Aitken StridersCroy16:18
Brandan Morrell South London16:19
Ben Hurley Belgrave H16:20
Douglas Aikman Croydon H16:21
Ben Ireland Belgrave H16:25
Harry Madgwick-Lawton StridersCroy16:28
James Rhodes StridersCroy16:29
Kay Davies Guildford&G16:33
Dave Walsh Belgrave H16:34
Luke Pratt Belgrave H16:34
Matt Shires Croydon H16:36
Ian Riley Stragglers16:41
Simon Barrett Thames H&H16:41
Martin Filer StridersCroy16:43
Gavin Englefield South London16:45
Graham Bell Wimbledon W16:54
Simon Wright Wimbledon W16:56
Jack Harrison South London16:56
Craig Ruddy Belgrave H17:01
John Key Herne Hill H17:02
David Grima HerculesWimb17:04
Ashley George Croydon H17:06
Hector Revill HerculesWimb17:10
Tom Foster Herne Hill H17:15
Bert Smith Stragglers17:22
Ashley Middlewick Thames H&H17:26
Deron Fagan Herne Hill H17:29
Alastair Hall Stragglers17:35
Christopher Fitzpatrick Wimbledon W17:40
Henry Butt Croydon H17:42
Robert Spalding Croydon H17:48
Chris Coles Guildford&G17:51
Alex Wilson Guildford&G17:54
Keith Newton *Herne Hill H17:56
Chris Daniels Thames H&H18:11
David Frenshaw Guildford&G18:19
Sam Dorrans Croydon H18:24
Shaun Cooney South London18:27
Alistair Wilkie Guildford&G18:34
Lowendo Stevens Wimbledon W18:43
Michael Reid Wimbledon W18:49
Jack Derges Wimbledon W18:59
Adam Shew Croydon H19:03
Simon Woodley HerculesWimb19:06
Terry Lapins Croydon H19:23
Caleb Barnes Herne Hill H19:31
John Cheal Stragglers19:38
Ian Butler Thames H&H20:20
Richard Goud Stragglers20:22
Tom Howarth Stragglers20:42
Brian O'Kane Guildford&G22:50
Ian Strong Herne Hill H30:36

E&OE. If you know of any errors or omissions then please advise Webmaster.